Too late for my school to order an AP exam?

Hey guys, I was wondering if it was too late for my school to order an ap exam for me… I’ve checked the deadline and it listed March 27th… However, there were other deadlines listed-- one was April 1st for preadministration materials and the other was for April 10 (excluding alternate exam orders?)
Basically, here are the deadlines:
March 27: Priority Deadline

Submit orders by this date to ensure timely processing and delivery.
April 1: Deadline for Ordering Preadministration Materials

An order for preadministration materials can be placed only with the initial exam order. Orders placed by March 11 will be delivered by April 3. Orders placed between March 12 and April 1 will be delivered by April 13.
April 10: Extension Deadline

Each order received after this date incurs a $55 late fee (excluding alternate exam orders).
April 17: Final Deadline

No orders will be accepted after this date. Orders placed by April 17 will be delivered by April 27.
May 8 (Canada and U.S. territories) and May 15 (United States): Deadline for Ordering Alternate Exams for Late Testing


i would just go to your counselor or AP Coordinator and ask to order an exam. They should take care of it from there,

I already talked to my AP Coordinator… :open_mouth: