Top industrial & manufacturing engineering knowledge, skills

<p>In a recent job search using various websites, it has been found that companies needed some knowledge's, skills and personalities. The list identifies the top areas of knowledge and expertise, skills and personality traits that employers throughout the nation will be expecting from you as Industrial or Manufacturing Engineers.</p>

<pre><code> TOP KNOWLEDGE'S

<p>1.Lean and its implementation<br>
2.Data analysis<br>
3.Tool design
4.Layout designs<br>
5.Ability to understand Materials
7.Manufacturing Quality
8.Design software’s<br>
9.Production planning<br>
10.Production Development
11.Process planning<br>
12.Process Development
15.Quality control<br>
16.CNC machining
17.Cost control<br>
18.G codes & M codes
20.3D Modeling
21.Operational improvement<br>
23.Time study<br>

<pre><code> TOP SKILLS

1.Computer skills

2.Ability to analyze work flow

3.Problem solving skills

4.Analytical skills

5.Communication skills

6.Documentation Skills

7.Team building skills

8.Resource utilization skills

                                 TOP PERSONALITIES

1.Positive attitude

2.Leadership qualities

3.Enthusiastic and trust worthy

4.Good work ethics

<p>I do think that this information was very very informative and useful could you guys please post the job search sites where u collected from too?</p>

<p>This message is very useful for guys who just started there search for recent graduates</p>

<p>This is very informative. I think now everyone including me will get to know what industrial engineers really need to have in them.</p>

<p>I hope the information would help to self analyze each student who are ready to graduate. I personally feel that some of the knowledge's, skills are still need to be exercised by me</p>