Top Science Programs in Michigan?

<p>I was curious as to what schools had the best science programs in Michigan or close to Michigan, such as in Ohio or Illinois and such.</p>

Hope College
Kalamazoo College
Michigan State University
University of Michigan</p>

Earlham College
Indiana University
Purdue University
University of Notre Dame</p>

Case Western Reserve University
College of Wooster
Denison University
Kenyon College
Miami University
Oberlin College
Ohio State University</p>

Knox College
Northwestern University
University of Chicago
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign</p>

Beloit College
Lawrence University
University of Wisconsin-Madison</p>

<p>Chech this out if you want some extreme challenges:
[Integrated</a> Science Department](<a href=“]Integrated”></p>

Don’t they ask for two Science SAT 2’s that are not Bio? i.e. they want Physics amd Chemistry.</p>

<p>The website says you can replace physics or chemistry with bio.</p>