Transcript Scariness

If your school county sends your entire record from K-10th grade, and you got horrid grades in middle school, will they look at that or? Most school polices are 2020-2023 grades.

They will look at the grades received in whatever grade levels they require. They won’t care that you failed first grade finger painting.


They will look at the grades received in whatever grade levels they require. They won’t care that you failed first grade finger painting.

“Runs with scissors” :rofl:

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but will they care i failed pre-alegbra? yeah…

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How did you do in subsequent math classes?


B and C (2 semesters) Alebgra 1 (8th grade)
B and A (2 semesters) Alegbra 2 (9th grade)
A (1st Semester)(10th grade)

Since there’s an upward trend, it’s probably fine.

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Schools are considering who you are now for admission, not who you were at age 10.

They are looking for reasons to admit students, not reasons to reject them. I know it doesn’t feel like this. But they want kids who will thrive with what they offer. For all that money, that’s what they have to do!

And at this point, it is what it is. No point worrying. I know, easier said than done.

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