
<p>Is it normal that virginia tech still hasnt received my final transcripts. I am getting a little worried because I had turned all the stuff to my school at the end of May and on the guest login it still does not have a date or anything under the receieved box.</p>

<p>Have them sent again. I took a bunch of dual credit courses in high school through the local community college and had to have those transcripts sent in to be evaluated. </p>

<p>I waited for a little over a month before I called them. They had no record of receiving the transcript. I called the college and had them send two official transcripts. I asked them to send one the next day and wait a week to send the other. Apparently that done the trick because my transcript was evaluated within 2 weeks. </p>

<p>VT is bad for losing transcripts in the mail. Since my freshman year, it has happened three times. Call them the admissions office and let them know what happened. The final high school transcript has to be received before they’ll let you register for classes.</p>

<p>But i went to orientation on the 12th and signed up for classes, but on the guest account it still shows a blank next to Final Highschool Transcript. What does that mean.</p>

<p>Even if you went to orientation, signed up for classes, etc., it cant hurt to send them again. </p>

<p>If anything, at least call the Registrar’s Office, give them your Student number and maybe they’ll tell you if they have them or not.</p>