Transfer admission to GWU

Currently a Political Science major with 63 credits at Ole Miss. Until the fall of 2017 I was an uninterested business major, which caused my GPA to be low. I am going be applying to GWU with around a 2.85 gpa. A death to a close friend caused me to re-evaluate my life and choose a new major. Since changing to political science I have done very well (around a 3.7). Unfortunately I am not a fan of the political environment and teaching style at ole miss (very conservative). I will have 2 very good references for GWU, one from a possible alumni, and another from an elected official. I have participated in many extra curriculars, jobs and volunteering, especially in politics. And I don’t plan on applying for much aid if any. Do I have a chance?

So I’m a bit lost - your total g.p.a has been brought to a 2.85 because of last semester where you got a 3.7?

I took classes during the summer that brought me up yes.

Although George Washington is now test-optional, I would highly recommended sending in your test scores if they’re high. A high test score, glowing rec letters, work experience and a well written admissions essay can counter balance a low g.p.a…

Thanks for the advice!