@OptimisticBrownTransfer screenshot it. lets see…
@Gdawg30 You right click the “Click Here” button, then depending on which browser you have, it’ll be something like “inspect” or “inspect element”. Then look a few lines up.
@OptimisticBrownTransfer I really don’t think it means anything. Mine says the following: . I guess we will settle this when the decisions are released lol.
@OptimisticBrownTransfer nothing happens when I right click…maybe because I have a Dell??? lol
So as someone who is fairly competent in PHP (Seems to be the backend programming language used based off the code), I do not see ANY indication that someone is admitted or not in the application summary. the Url seems to be just information collected from the database and previous forms…
Since everyone seems to be interested in the application summary aspect of the page - Found some hidden cells with ID that I have no idea what they mean:
- pidm : 7 digits long - definitely connected to the individual applicant and hence my reluctance to show it.
- pi_term: 201710
- pi_appno: 1
- levl: UG 5: styp: T 6: admt: TR
- Lgcy: 999
- degc: BH 9: Program: Bachelor's Degree
Only pidm effects the decision web page.
I have logged information of the current web page and perhaps (if motived) will return to the web page after decision and compare the two…
I tried activating my Brown Account with the pidm and it did not work…
My pi appno value is different , but I’m guessing it stands for number? But maybe pi_term will indicate something?
@gingko What is it? Mine is 1 like the rest of them.
@gingko @RickMedeiros I think pi_appno is how many times you have applied to Brown. Did you apply out of high school?
I feel stupid now- you’re right
@bradthegrad2019 that makes sense cause mine is 2
Anyone have a differing value for admt= TR???
What do people have for lgcy??
What’s your guys take on “degc”
@1college123 I have 999 and I’m not a legacy.
@OptimisticBrownTransfer u have 999 for what?
@1college123 I have 999 for lgcy.
I applied once! Makes sense why appno is 1 then.
Here is my guess on the id’s:
- pidm : ID used to create selfservice? In the beginning..
- pi_term: TERM
- pi_appno: Number of Submitted Applications
- levl: Level 5: styp: ??? 6: admt: Admission Type
- Lgcy: Legacy
- degc: ???? 9: Program: Program
999 is commonly used to mean N/A
@RickMedeiros when you say once you mean just for transfer right?