Transfer Chance Me for Fall 2023

Hi there,

I am currently an undergraduate Freshman applying to schools to transfer from my present institution for the Fall 2023 semester. I realized that my school lacks the depth I wish to have in pursuing my Political Science degree, hence why I have decided to enter the transfer portal.


3.94/4 GPA first semester, 4.0/4 GPA midterm report submitted.
60 credits by the end of my second semester (25 transferred from dual enrollment, rest at the institution)
3.1 GPA/4 high school
3 academic LORs


Division II Athletics
Political Science Association
Athlete Diversity Committee
Treasurer of Dorm Council
Spanish and French Language Tutor
Part-Time Job at Supermarket (going on 3 years of working at the same company)
Politics Fellowship in High School
Leadership Committee Member in High School


Boston College, Boston University, NYU, Tufts, Providence

This site may offer you additional ideas for your list:

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Are you looking to continue your sport at your next school? If so, have you entered the NCAA transfer portal and contacted coaches at schools you are targeting?

No. I will not be continuing my sport at this new institution.

OK. Transferring to a new school after freshman year may be difficult, especially at the schools you listed. Likely that they will take into account your high school GPA, which isn’t competitive for admission at those schools. You will also need to provide a compelling reason for transferring beyond “my current school lacks depth”.

I wish you luck, but you might want to broaden your list of schools.