Transfer Chance Please!

<p>I applied to UVA as a senior in high school and was wait listed, then denied.
High School GPA - 3.73 (unweighted) 3.9-something weighted
Rank - 9/322
SAT - Math - 670, Verbal - 640, Writing - 720
Lots of Extra Curriculars and leadership positions</p>

<p>Now I am in the School of Business at Villanova University.
GPA - 3.4
SGA and a news columnist for the paper, plus community service and 3 intramural sports teams.</p>

<p>I can get two really good recommendations from my professors and assuming my essays are good, what do you think my chances are? </p>

<p>Please help me. I'm desperate to get in this time and I'm so afraid that my GPA from the first semester will prevent me from being accepted.</p>

<p>you need at least a 3.5. I’m applying from Indiana University of PA with a 3.80 GPA. I hope I get in…</p>