Transfer deadline

When is the deadline for fall 2016?

I thought that UA might be on a kind of rolling admissions of sorts, and as long as there is space and you meet their reqs and can get paperwork/transcripts/scores in to them in time for them to make a timely decision, they will admit you. You’ve missed the deadline for 2015-2016 scholarships, and on-campus housing availability would be if-y. Oooo, I see you are for 2016. No problem - read thru these sites:

Here is general info for transfer students:
Here is scholarship info for transfer students:

For 2016, @aeromom??

OOops, I’ve corrected, above, thank you for pointing that out, and sorry. Not used to anyone thinking a whole year in advance…especially knowing they would transfer after already been at a school, but not having gone yet to their school for this fall/year…this is an odd situation, to me. If this student thinks they might want to transfer, why not do it now? I do not know what scholarships this student would/could qualify for, so why go somewhere this fall when you’re going to transfer anyway?

Does UA offer summer session like PSU?

Unlike PSU summer is not mandated unless your scores are under their idea of acceptable. PSU makes summer mandatory for students who have lower scores but it’s more common at PSU and UA. Alabama does offer summer classes which you can just sign up for.