Transfer into College of Engineering

I am currently a freshmen in University Studies at VT with a GPA of 3.75 in my first semester. I have transferred Calculus and English Credits from AP transfer credits and also transferred ENGE 1215 credit from NVCC. I got an A in Chemistry 1035 and Chem Lab 1045 and I am currently taking Physics 2305 and ENGE 1216 and have an A and A- respectively in those classes as of now.
How are my chances for transfer in to the college of engineering over the summer?

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Looks like you are lacking the 2 core engineering survey courses ENGE 1215 and 1216. Don’t think you’ll have a chance without them. 1215 will likely be restricted to engineering majors in the fall. You need to find these 2 courses this summer (either at VT or a CC) - make sure they will transfer Also find out when transfer apps for engineering are due this summer and see if you can actually meet that deadline with 1215 +1216. You are not guaranteed admission to engineering even if you fulfill all the requirements…this is a very recent change and it’s not clear how they will determine who does get in. Would think grades would be big part of it but also which specific E major you want will prob play a part