Transfer Student Chance

So I am about to submit my application for the fall 2016 school year. I didn’t even bother applying to Madison out of high school because my grades were far too low. I ended up going to UW-Stevens Point for a year and now am at Madison College doing more generals before transferring. Here are some of my numbers. I’m looking to apply for journalism and my mom graduated with the same degree from Madison as well.

High School
2.4 GPA (had a 3.4 senior year)
24 ACT

3.6 GPA cumulative Freshman year
Academic Honor Society

Grades aren’t out yet it’ll be between a 3.5-3.8

In total by the year is done I’ll have 53 college credits and I know they look at your high school grades less as you complete more college work. I’m just concerned my high school grades will still come back to haunt me. In my essay I am referencing how I have what it takes to achieve at the college level as it shows in my grades. Let me know if you can gauge my chances or if you need more information. Thanks.

Read post #179: it looks like it will be extremely difficult to transfer to UW-Madison in the near future.

@Madison85 the messages talks of students in Guaranteed Transfer Program specifically. Then it goes on to say they reviewed his application on general merits-I’m assuming this means as a non-guaranteed transfer, and said they needed more experience in humanities. Also, Business and Engineering schools have a large number of incoming students through the program, so it may benefit you @eswanny, to mention you’re looking to major in Journalism. If its a 3.5 this semester it may be iffy, a 3.8 and you’ll have a better chance.

Your upward trend in HS plus good college grades indicate more maturity. Be sure you write good essays- your writing skills should not be a problem. let them know why you should get a UW degree (and mom has nothing to do with it).