Transfer student on-campus housing at UM.

<p>Does anybody know if transfer students are given on-campus housing for the fall semester? After I paid the enrollment deposit, I was read on the housing application that all transfer students would be placed on a waitlist for housing. How does housing work for transfer students? I will be coming in technically as a Sophomore so I'm not eligible for UV, will I get on-campus housing? Thanks</p>

<p>"" All other housing applicants—new transfer students, continuing students from off-campus, re-admitted students—are currently being placed on a waiting list because demand may exceed our available spaces. Decisions regarding possible placement of waitlisted students will be evaluated on an on-going basis during the summer months of 2013, however, it is highly unlikely on-campus housing will become available—final confirmation of housing unavailability may not be possible until early August 2013. ""</p>

<p>Just as it says, housing for transfers (and others grouped in, as mentioned) will be unlikely. There are current students (not transfers) who didn’t even get housing, but wanted to, and they would/should get priority. More info will become available throughout the summer, like it says. Nobody here knows more than what the information you posted contains.</p>