transfer to george washington

I am looking to transfer to GWU to study criminal justice, since my school does not offer criminal justice. I have a few questions about the school before I make the decision to transfer. How are the academics? What’s the social scene like? How hard is it to balance school and actives at GWU?

There are already a lot threads in here about the social life at GW, so I’d recommend searching and reading through a few of you don’t have any specific questions.

As far as the academics, most are challenging and fulfilling. Some schools are much more difficult and selective (the Elliott school, for example). While GW isn’t exactly known for its criminal justice program, I haven’t heard anything negative about it.

Balancing school and activities is very doable, as most do it. GW is full of very driven students, so you’ll be classmates with people taking full class schedules as well as participating in multiple student organizations… and an internship to top it all off.

Let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to know, and good luck with your decision.