Transfer to Ivy League

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>So I am currently a freshman undergrad at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. I am majoring in Biomedical Engineering and Spanish for Pre-Med. Overall so far, I am not too happy with where I go to college. It doesnt feel like my type of university and not the college experience Im looking for. So i am considering transferring for Fall 2013 (yes I know thats a long time away, but Im still going to give CWRU a chance in the next months to sway me back). Ive always loved just the overall feel, education, and social aspect that ivy league schools have, specifically Yale, Stanford, Harvard, and Duke (yes i know its not an ivy), and so these are where Im going to focus my applications or focus on. Going to Yale or Duke was a big dream of mine through grade school and high school and unfortunately I was denied to both places last year for freshman year.</p>

<p>I basically want to know what I should be doing now in order to make me a more “unique” transfer applicant. I realize the acceptance rate for transfer applicants is severely lower than the regular rate, but Im still going to give it a go.</p>

<p>High School:</p>

<p>Valedictorian of class. 4.0 unweighted (4.75 weighted). 9 AP classes (6 fives, 2 fours, and 1 three). 34 on my ACT (took it only once my early junior year, probably a mistake to not take it again). Captain and 8-time varsity letter receiver in cross country and track. Class Officer my senior year, Student Council Rep, Latin Club officer, Latin club, NHS, Recycling club. State Science Fair participant for 5 years straight.</p>

<p>Won many awards from athletics such as all-league many times, my school’s student athlete award. Won the science award from my school as well as 2nd place in Microbiology at the State Science Fair. (other awards and such....)</p>

<p>Worked at a retail store for 6 months during senior year. Worked for 2 summers at the Air Force Research Labs where I received high recognition from the head director at AFRL for research. Going to be published soon in an article that includes the work I did for the past 2 summers.</p>


<p>Taking 19 credits at CWRU this semester (and likely 20 next). All engineering core classes and have A’s in all (assume for the sake of this article ill get A’s for both semesters). I am on the Varsity Cross Country and Track team here. In several clubs as well as Phi Delta Epsilon, pre-med professional fraternity. Involved with a lot of service through them and sports. Recently got an interview for a coop position at a research company.</p>

<p>I am planning on starting research with someone here that has several articles in very highly ranked journals, and will be starting clinical volunteering along with tutoring for middle school kids relatively soon.</p>

<p>Basically my question is do I stand a chance to be accepted to Duke, Harvard, Yale, or Stanford for a transfer app? (or really any ivy school just to satisfy my curiosity). Stanford is my dream medical school, so if I could get in there for undergrad then I would be ecstatic. What kind of things would make me more “unique” in the application process? I feel I may be too similar to other applicants....</p>

