<p>I could not become an official candidate based on coming 10 pts short of 600 on the math portion of the SAT, with this knowledge I decided that I would look into NROTC or just attending normal college. My passion to attend the academy however has been reignited. I have been accepted to University of Tennessee, Scranton Unversity, and Temple University.</p>
<p>With the knowledge that I would have to raise my Sats up to 650 650 or even better 700 700, I have a few questions.</p>
<li>Which of these three would be best to maintain hopes of attending the Naval Academy.</li>
<li>How is the transfer process different from that of the normal high school process.</li>
<li>Will my highschool accomplishments be looked at.</li>
<li>What do they look for in College Transfers more so then HS, the Class profile only really pertains to highschool involvment.</li>
<p>Of the Three things it takes to get into the Academy I am mediocre in 2 and excelling in 1. Which is why a year of prep. at another university is needed.</p>
<p>Senior 2007</p>
Vice President Class
Eagle Scout
Student Council, FBLA, Model Congress
Boys state- Boys Nation Nominee
Varsity Football, JV Track</p>
<p>Academics. 3.4 with 6 APs 600 verbal 590 Math 590 Writing</p>
<p>Physical: slightly out of shape but easily gotten back into.</p>