transfering during spring semester

<p>Hey im currently a rising sophmore at binghamton university and ive been thinking about transfering to geneseo. Id just like to know how vast the core requirements are if this move would hinder me (bio major) from graduating on time. Also, just as important, is it exceedingly difficult to make friends and socialize as a spring transfer,(would i be able to pledge?) or is it the type of college where cliques are formed early on and not broken? Thanks</p>

<p>Geneseo's core consists of:
-2 four credit "Western Humanities" courses, the course would need to go into philosophical/political/social aspects of all of western history (supposedly they don’t accept classes from other colleges, but its worth a shot if u have one)
-2 three credit fine arts classes (have to be different depts)
-2 three credit social science classes (have to be different depts)
-2 four credit natural science classes (have to be different depts and include lab)
-INTD 105, the critical reading and writing course
-1 three-four credit math/reasoning course. Most intro math / csci classes work, even classes in logic (philo)
-1 non-western tradition course, anything that teaches about cultures that are, well, non-western.
-a united states history class
-and foreign language proficiency, through Geneseo’s 201 level</p>

<p>you can use a single course to satisfy more than one requirement (i.e. music of the world's people covers NW-tradition and fine arts, or us hist classes often count as social science as well as us hist)</p>

<p>I would suggest contacting admissions directly and ask them how the courses will transfer that you have taken. even if they say something doesn’t count you can appeal to the dean's office. </p>

<p>As for the social question, are you living on campus? if you live off campus it will certainly be harder to make friends, but on campus it’s almost hard not to. I would also recommend living in a corridor hall (Monroe or Livingston maybe). As far as pledging, you can do so usually unofficially if the college won’t allow it. I don’t know the college's official policies on this, but <a href=""&gt;;/a> might help</p>

<p>geneseostudent.... thanks for the information, its very helpful in my decision process. You seem to kno quite a bit about life at geneseo, so 1 last question.... i kno geneseo is not exactly a bastion of diversity, but as a minority (south-asian) studentm i would like to kno whether their is a distince racial divide or id different ethnicities or sort of outcasted?</p>

<p>yeah, there is not much diversity at geneseo. I guess it would be hard for me to relate and I am not very knowledgable on life at geneseo for a minority student, but students at geneseo as a whole are very accepting of people from all backgrounds. I would recomend e-mailing <a href=""></a>, the dean of students. You could address him as Dean Sancilo, or Dr. Sancilio. He may be able to find an asian student that would be willing to talk to you via email. I don't know anyone besides someone who graduated already (goes to show you how diverse geneseo is). I give you his address because he is the head of the Office of Multicultural Affairs.</p>