<p>Do people usually do this? Lets say you went to Oklahoma University and acheived a 3.9 GPA through freshman/sophmore year. Can you then apply to enter lets say the Sloan undergrad biz school when you are IN your sophmore year? You would start out at Sloan as a junior. Just wanted to know if it's "possible." Thanks.</p>
<p>Sloan, no. Five people a year get into MIT as transfers.</p>
<p>I just used Sloan as an example...just picked a random one off the top of my head. But I guess you mean it is possible to apply to another program as a sophmore since you said 5 get in a year.</p>
<p>It's possible to transfer to any undergrad business school. But Sloan would be the hardest, since they only take around 5 people for the whole undergrad school as transfers.</p>