Transfering out of a UC to out of state/new school difficulty?

<p>I chose the completely wrong school for me for many reasons and I want to transfer to s school like Nevada, Boise State, U of AL, Georgia, or even some private schools. All I know is that my current school is NOT for me. How hard would it be to transfer out of a UC? Even if its a lower ranked UC???</p>

<p>The only three things that matter for transfers out are; 1) how transfer-friendly the receiving college is (private schools may not accept a lot of transfers); 2) your gpa; 3) your essay/reason for transfer.</p>

<p>UCSC is a top 100 college, so it has plenty of prestige.</p>

<p>I’m leaning more towards Boise and I know UCSC is ranked 75th and Boise is ranked 101st. My essay and reason for leaving will be good I think since I got into UCSC after all, just my grades are adequate. If I do end up at Boise, will this hurt my chances when applying for grad school?</p>

<p>I don’t think the prestige will play a huge factor in grad school admission as long as you take advantage of the courses offered at the university and make the best of it. My older sister graduated from a tier-2 university and got into PhD programs at Berkeley, UCLA, and UCI. She did poorly her first two years (2.7-2.9 gpa), but then turned it around and got 4 consecutive semesters of 4.0 and was able to graduate with distinctions.</p>

<p>I’m just curious, why don’t you like UCSC?</p>

<p>Thank you DJ I’m in a similar situation. And I don’t like UCSC because it really is a very liberal campus. I also don’t like living in the forest. I was raised in a more conservative/republican family. And I want to be closer to home and money is a definite issue. I was deciding between Chico and UCSC and only picked UCSC because it was “the better school” when Chico was really the school I belonged at</p>

<p>It sounds to me like Boise state would be the right school for you. I have heard alot of very surprizing things about UCSC from someone who went their. I do not blame you a bit for wanting out. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>Thank you! I’ve decided to apply to Boise and Chico State for spring 2013 semester so I can finish up some credits to still be considered a sophomore when I transfer</p>

<p>Um, you, won’t be able to apply to Chico for Spring 2013 admissions. The CSU’s have shut down Spring admissions due to budget cuts :/</p>

<p>I’ve been talking with the head of admissions at both Chico and Boise and they’re both letting me with my circumstances…lol</p>

<p>Oh, awesome! There’s actually people who care behind the bureaucratic craziness! That’s awesome, and I’m happy you’ll be fine and that I was wrong :D</p>

<p>jakd59 and ucsc girl…are there any other problems with ucsc other than being liberal? I’m considering transferring there and could use some advice! thanks.</p>

<p>BayKid, that’s the major problem for me. And I’ve found the classes/curriculum/professors to be biased towards liberal ideas and automatically discredit my ideas because I’m not as liberal as them. It’s just not the school or atmosphere for me. And there’s not a lot of school spirit because of the type of people that go here. There were also a lot of strikes with the budget cut, which is fine but they blocked the entrance so professors couldn’t get on campus and I wanted the participation points. And because UCSC isnt know for having the best looking people so the semi decent people let it go to their head. But you should visit it, tour all the colleges, the dhalls, and look into what your major is like here</p>

<p>i’m not really sure how you can base your argument on how your peers look…you sound like you need a reality check.</p>

<p>That’s not what I said at all. I meant that people think they’re better than they are becaaaause they are semi decent looking.</p>

<p>my bad i’m trippin i read your comment totally wrong</p>