Transfering to Wharton or Harvard

<p>I am a freshman at UNC-Chapel Hill
My schedule is Chinese 101, Econ 101 Honors, Math 231 (Calculus), A random walk down wall street (freshman seminar on investment strategies), English 101
So far things are good and I feel I can pull a 3.9-4.0 this semester. My Sat would be retaken. With these stats what courses should I take next semester and what SAT score should I am for to be able to transfer to Wharton or Harvard or even yale. If it helps I am black and I am an independent student. The clubs I am in are the econ club, boxing team, Black student movement, College Republicans, Carolina Challange (I am a VP, it is an entreprenuership competition where you start a business) and I am planing on joining the debate club</p>

<p>Any comments on chances or anything I should do to improve my chances of transfering to Wharton and Harvard.
Also I was rejected regular to harvard and defered then rejected to wharton</p>

<p>Unless Harvard or Wharton ask for refreshed SAT scores, you don't need to retake it. Most often, transfer decisions are based on your performance at the university you attend, not on HS grades or SAT scores. But . . . every place is different so check with the schools about what you need to submit. (It's probably on their admissions web page.)</p>