<p>I am a freshman at UNC-Chapel Hill
My schedule is Chinese 101, Econ 101 Honors, Math 231 (Calculus), A random walk down wall street (freshman seminar on investment strategies), English 101
So far things are good and I feel I can pull a 3.9-4.0 this semester. My Sat would be retaken. With these stats what courses should I take next semester and what SAT score should I am for to be able to transfer to Wharton or Harvard or even yale. If it helps I am black and I am an independent student. The clubs I am in are the econ club, boxing team, Black student movement, College Republicans, Carolina Challange (I am a VP, it is an entreprenuership competition where you start a business) and I am planing on joining the debate club</p>
<p>Any comments on chances or anything I should do to improve my chances of transfering to Wharton and Harvard.
Also I was rejected regular to harvard and defered then rejected to wharton</p>