Transferring after Sophomore Year

My parents have told me that the only way that I can go to an out of state school is if I stay in state for two years then transfer. Most likely I would start as a Applied Physics major or another discipline of engineering then transfer to a school that has aerospace engineering. I would like to hear from you guys an out your exprience transferring and whether it was more difficult to transfer into an engineering than getting accepted into an engineering program straight out of high school .

From my experience, I don’t think its a good idea to enter college, with plans to transfer, unless you are going to community college.

  1. You don’t know what may happen in the first 2 years. Your grades may not be as good as you anticipated or you might fall in love with the school you attend.
  2. Transferring between 4-year schools is quite difficult. Acceptance rates for transfer students are generally much lower than those for freshman students. At my university it is even difficult to switch from one engineering major to another after starting.
  3. If you know you are only going to attend a school for two years, you may get less out of your experience there.

Honestly, attending the best school that you get accepted to and can pay in-state tuition is not a bad idea.
