<p>Is it easier or harder to transfer in for the summer semester? I'd like to get a jump on pre-reqs for my major (not sure if classes offered at my college transfer as pre-reqs). I would be a junior transfer (getting my associate's by the time I transfer) and would say that I am a competitive candidate. I'd think it would be harder because I am guessing a lot of transfer students would like the idea of getting ahead, but I could be wrong. Any insight would be appreciated.</p>
<p>A lot of transfer students would like the idea of joining the campus community during the Fall when all the other new students are there to help them make friends right away, I think. What is going to make a bigger difference in terms of admissions is how many spots they have open for summer semester. At some schools, summer semester is more competitive because there are fewer spots, I really don’t know about how Michigan is. I transferred in the Fall.</p>