<p>i'm an international student from Purdue University. My major is accounting. I havea 3.7 gpa and decent ec's. i would like to know if i have a chance to make into Cornell?............i'm asian but born in Spain. i can speak 3 languages. SAT math 710 verbal = horrible. I would like to major in applied managemnet and econ at cornell. thanks</p>
<p>I transferred to Cornell this year. A 3.7 will do you well. It all comes down to your reason for transferring.</p>
<p>Could you tell me from where you transfer from? and what kind of ec's did u have??? thank you</p>
<p>I transferred from the Ohio State University to the College of Arts and Sciences. I had beeen waitlisted at Cornell the year before.</p>
<p>My GPA was a 3.7.
I was a member of several clubs,
Had a major internship position over the summer,
Did research work
<p>My SAT, which I did not think mattered much, was a 760m/760v,
SATII: MaIIC/Phys/Writ: 750/730/800.</p>
<p>Always welcome.</p>
<p>hey.....sorry to bother u again...can u give me some advice in what 2 put on my essays? Also, i was wondering how the social life is in cornell. are there a lot of parties? are there a lot of preppy people?:P. thanks a lot</p>
<p>Hey MaliceMizer, are those your SAT scores from high school before you went to OSU, or were they from your freshmen year at OSU?</p>
<p>Hey MaliceMizer10, nice to see you again. I'm wondering the same questions psquared asked. My SATs are pretty low and I think it will seriously effect my chances.
btw, did you apply online or by snail mail?</p>
<p>malica mizer... i am from OSU too... I have a few questions...
i am a junior now(104 credits), do you think it would be worth applying in the spring... ?? i mean is there a chance i cud get in..
I have a 3.87 , i am in the honors acc. program at fisher , but i really want to do AEM... i feel thats exactly how i want to study...
but do u think i can make it to cornell ??</p>
<p>How late are you aloud to apply in ur college career? I think your gpa is enough, but other things do matter.</p>
<p>i am planning on applying for spring... which mean i'd have to do one more quarter that takes me to 129 credit hours.. id be wasting about 15 credits if i get a transfer to cornell.. (i am fine with that)..
As for EC's-
I am doing an internship in NYC this summer
and attending the Monster Diversity LEadership conf. this summer</p>
<p>I was a big sport freak while in high school, but everything stopped once i came into college..
P.S I am from india.. i did my HS from there</p>
<p>i think cornell doesnt specify .. how late , but they dont transfer any more than 60 credits..</p>
<p>I'd definitely make sure if there is a maximum, but good luck no matter what!</p>
<p>Which SAT scores count?</p>
<p>Most colleges require at least four semesters. For some, SATs are not looked at / required. Just look at this: <a href=“http://admissions.cornell.edu/apply/transfer/TransferSpecialRequirementsGrid.pdf[/url]”>http://admissions.cornell.edu/apply/transfer/TransferSpecialRequirementsGrid.pdf</a></p>