Transportation From Birmingham Airport to Tuscaloosa


I will be traveling to Tuscaloosa to visit a friend in the beginning of October and was wondering if anyone had recommendations of a taxi or shuttle service to take a 17 year old guy to the University?

Thanks in advance!

This forum gets this question a lot. For previous answers, please use the search function, which is the magnifying glass next to the page numbers on the ‘home’ page of the UA CC forum. There is a reliable facebook group for rideshares.

I just learned that there is a new shuttle service that has begun in Tuscaloosa. One of the stops is at the Capstone a Hotel which is right on campus.
It is called scuttle shuttle.

I was going to post about this as well. Booking flights, the times didn’t always work well w/ the current airport shuttle. So it will be nice to have another option.

[size=4][Scuttle Shuttle](

Thank you all for the responses!!

Looks like Uber is back in Tuscaloosa beginning August 18 so that might offer another possibility.