<p>My S has medical issues that require periodic care of specialists. Is there any easy way to get back and forth to the Mayo Clinic from Carleton? We would rather not send him to Carleton with a car (and he isn't used to driving in snow anyway).</p>
<p>Direct transit will probably require hiring a cab or shuttle or renting a car as I don’t believe there is any regularly scheduled transportation.</p>
<p>He could ride on Jefferson lines, transferring in St. Paul, but it doesn’t appear there is a daily route for this and it would take a while.
[Jefferson</a> Bus Lines](<a href=“http://www.jeffersonlines.com/]Jefferson”>http://www.jeffersonlines.com/)</p>
<p>He could also try shuttling into MSP on Northfield lines</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.northfieldlines.com/photos/2nfldmetroexpressbrochure.12.8.pdf[/url]”>http://www.northfieldlines.com/photos/2nfldmetroexpressbrochure.12.8.pdf</a></p>
<p>and then shuttling out of MSP on Rochester Direct</p>
<p>[Rochester</a> MN Go Airport shuttle | Mayo Clinic Airport Transportation MSP shared ride van](<a href=“http://www.gorochesterdirect.com/]Rochester”>http://www.gorochesterdirect.com/)</p>
<p>which would probably be faster and could be done daily.</p>
<p>You could also contact these people for more information. They indicate they can provide custom transportation solutions and this would seem to be up their alley.</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.goecotrans.com/aboutus.asp[/url]”>http://www.goecotrans.com/aboutus.asp</a></p>
<p>If you feel Mayo is the only option, I would recommend daytime driving along major highways even in the winter to be safe as long as snowy days and storms are avoided. (There will probably be about 15-20 such days over the course of a winter.) Major roads are well-maintained will be dry and ice-free. Drive time would be about 75 minutes, probably mostly along State Highway 52, an easy divided double-lane road with low-volume traffic. I would recommend it even for an inexperienced driver.</p>
<p>However my best advice would be to seek out specialists in the Twin Cities, which also have high quality healthcare. Shuttling into MSP or downtown and taking public transportation from there would be a viable option. You might start by investigating specialists at the U of MN hospital and clinics since campus, I note, is also serviced by the shuttle. There are also many other first-rate hospitals and clinics. I’ll add that safety on Twin Cities public transportation is not a concern.</p>
<p>Why thank you Descartesz! This is very helpful. I think you are probably correct about looking for a specialist in the Twin Cities. From a public transport standpoint, could you suggest any part of the Twin Cities to look for a specialist? I’d want to make this as easy as possible for him (to make sure it happens!)</p>
<p>Carleton also provides a service whereby they rent cars to their students on daily and I believe, even hourly basis rates.
If he needs to go this might be something to consider. Usually the interstate level of roads that he would travel on are pretty well maintained throughout the winter.</p>
<p>It will be difficult to advise you because he is more likely to be seen by a specialist at a clinic rather than at a hospital and there are too many of those to give you useful guidance. However there are usually clinics close to hospitals, so that’s a start. However there are many more clinics on or near buslines that would be in play, too.</p>
<p>Before you go out-of-town, you might try looking here first:</p>
<p>[Welcome</a> to Northfield Hospital](<a href=“http://www.northfieldhospital.org/]Welcome”>http://www.northfieldhospital.org/)</p>
<p>Twin Cities hospitals</p>
<p>[Hospitals</a> in the Twin Cities - Guides and Resources - Minneapolis, St. Paul, Minnesota](<a href=“http://www.minnesotamonthly.com/media/Minnesota-Monthly/Guides-Resources/Hospitals-in-the-Twin-Cities/index.php]Hospitals”>http://www.minnesotamonthly.com/media/Minnesota-Monthly/Guides-Resources/Hospitals-in-the-Twin-Cities/index.php)</p>
<p>“In-town” hospitals on this list likely to be accessible by public transportation (although verify at [Metro</a> Transit](<a href=“Page Not Found - Metro Transit”>http://www.metrotransit.org/)). I have omitted children’s and VA hospitals.</p>
<p>Abbott Northwestern Hospital
800 E. 28th Street
Minneapolis 55407
<a href=“http://www.abbottnorthwestern.com%5B/url%5D”>www.abbottnorthwestern.com</a>
(In the heart of south Minneapolis. An excellent hospital but some people might find the neighborhood uncomfortable)</p>
<p>Bethesda Hospital, St. Paul
559 Capitol Boulevard
St. Paul 55103
[Bethesda</a> Hospital](<a href=“http://www.bethesdahospital.org%5DBethesda”>http://www.bethesdahospital.org)</p>
<p>Hennepin County Medical Center
701 Park Avenue
Minneapolis 55415
<a href=“http://www.hcmc.org%5B/url%5D”>www.hcmc.org</a>
(Downtown Minneapolis, Hennepin Faculty Associates is a large clinic nearby associated with this. This would be within walking distance of light rail from MSP.)</p>
<p>Regions Hospital
640 Jackson Street
St. Paul 55101
[RegionsHospital.com</a> - Welcome<a href=“downtown%20St.%20Paul”>/url</a></p>
<p>St. Joseph’s Hospital
69 W. Exchange Street
St. Paul 55102
[url=<a href=“http://www.stjosephs-stpaul.org%5DSt”>http://www.stjosephs-stpaul.org]St</a>. Joseph’s Hospital<a href=“downtown%20St.%20Paul”>/url</a></p>
<p>United Hospital
333 N. Smith Avenue
St. Paul 55102
<a href=“http://www.unitedhospital.com%5B/url%5D”>www.unitedhospital.com](<a href=“http://www.regionshospital.com%5DRegionsHospital.com”>http://www.regionshospital.com)</a>
(downtown St. Paul)</p>
<p>University of Minnesota Medical
Center/Children’s Hospital,
Fairview Riverside campus
2450 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis 55454
[University</a> of Minnesota Medical Center - Home<a href=“West%20bank%20of%20campus,%20in%20the%20Cedar-Riverside%20neighborhood.%20I%20would%20consider%20this%20within%20walking%20distance%20of%20the%20light%20rail%20line%20that%20runs%20from%20MSP%20to%20downtown%20Minneapolis,%20but%20other%20people%20would%20not.”>/url</a></p>
<p>University of Minnesota Medical
Center/Children’s Hospital,
Fairview University campus
500 Harvard Street
Minneapolis 55455
[url=<a href=“http://www.university.fairview.org%5DUniversity”>http://www.university.fairview.org]University</a> of Minnesota Medical Center - Home<a href=“In%20the%20heart%20of%20the%20campus%20eastbank”>/url</a></p>
<p>Burnsville is a southern suburb about 20 minutes from Northfield (vis-a-vis 40-45 to downtowns) and also has a hospital if proximity would help.
Fairview Ridges Hospital
201 Nicollet Boulevard
Burnsville 55337
[url=<a href=“http://www.ridges.fairview.org%5DFairview”>http://www.ridges.fairview.org]Fairview</a> Ridges Hospital - Home](<a href=“http://www.university.fairview.org%5DUniversity”>http://www.university.fairview.org)</p>
<p>Life will probably be easier, however, if, as NEValu suggests, he rents a car for the trips to appointments.</p>
<p>I would second NEValu’s suggestion of the new car sharing program at Carleton: [Carleton</a> College: Schedule/Stops](<a href=“http://apps.carleton.edu/student/transport/details.php3?id=31]Carleton”>http://apps.carleton.edu/student/transport/details.php3?id=31)</p>
<p>Someone who has actually used the service should correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you can reserve a car fairly far in advance. That way your son wouldn’t have to worry about someone else snatching up the cars for Target runs.</p>
<p>Thank you all for your thoughts. I think the car is the right way to go. My major worry is that S has never driven in the snow (yet). Guess it will be another learning experience – and certainly cheaper than having a car there.</p>
<p>I moved to MN many years ago and a person quickly gets used to driving. For the most part the roads are fine and if they are really bad maybe he could change his appointment to another day. I drive 35+ miles daily to work and my suggestion would be to make sure he has either a front wheel or all wheel drive car, which most are these days. It makes driving so much easier. We toured Carleton and it is a beautiful campus. Good Luck!</p>
<p>I’ve had to see some specialists as well, and Carleton’s been great about it. The Wellness Center offered to get me a taxi to the cities if needbe.</p>