
<p>i am very interested in a career in construction management but i am a little afraid of the travel.. i have asked this before but i am just looking for more info.. do all of the good jobs require you to be away from home for long periods of time.. any info would be great thanks</p>

<p>No, they don’t. When you’re interviewing, you just need to find a construction management job that won’t require that you travel… There are plenty out there.</p>

<p>Really, you should listen to ken285 or go to a different forum if you want more than one opinion, though. Ken’s the only construction engineer who lurks here, and you’re not going to get a different answer by posting additional threads… Get in touch with your local ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) chapter or CMAA (Construction Management Association of America) chapter if you want to ask more than just a few construction managers.</p>

<p>Honestly, if you are positive you do not want to travel, I wouldn’t go into a construction-related profession. If you go the civil (design) route, it’s very possible to find a job that requires no travel, or very little every now and again. In CM though, it’s almost a given that you will need to travel at some point. I mean, you could very possibly avoid it, but I think it will be much harder to land a job that you really enjoy due to the fact that you don’t want travel. In this profession, you pretty much have to go where the jobs are. I’m not saying it’s impossible, it’ll just take a little more work on your part to find those opportunites.</p>

<p>Go with a regional contractor.</p>

<p>The vast majority of contractors are regional. </p>

<p>I’m not the only one in construction here. There are a few on this engineering forum that pop up every now and then. As for regulars, Rick over in the architecture forum would probably know a bit too; he’s an architect but works for an architect/contractor firm.</p>