TRIALS Pre-Law Program NYU 2021

Hi! Random Q: I haven’t heard back getting a rejection or an email telling me I got through. Are these sent out on a rolling basis? Does anybody who got an email know if they said anything about if they contacted everybody yet? Thank you so much!

Hey everyone! I received an email a few days ago that I also made it to round two! Honestly, I’m just proud to have made it this far. Good luck everybody :smiley:

From previous threads, it does seem like they send out emails on a rolling basis, but I think within a few days of each other. My email didn’t mention anything about having contacted everybody.

Hey all! Congrats to everyone who moved on to Round II. I interviewed on March 18 and was told I’d hear back this week, but nothing yet, unless they are planning to email over the weekend. Has anyone who has interviewed for Round II heard back yet?

Congratulations! I interviewed this week and was told I would hear back within the week, but I haven’t heard anything yet either. I just assumed they meant a week from my interview date (which was the 24).

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First I thought that as well (within a week from my interview date) but then when that day passed by I assumed it would be by the end of last week (also wrong lol). But knowing now that they still had applicants interviewing through at least the 24th, maybe they just didn’t get through all of the interviews yet to make decisions

How was your interview experience @belgianwafflezz ? Length (approx.) and types of questions?

it was about 50 minutes and a lot of questions re: what I wanted to accomplish in the legal field and the classic “why law?” Some stuff asking about my academic and professional experiences and some things I talked about in my personal statement. Do you have a Round II interview coming up? I am trying to gauge when we will all actually hear back. Supposedly final decisions are by April 15th but there are also 3 total interviews, so that leaves only about 2 weeks remaining for those who move to Round III to complete two more interviews.

I did not apply to TRIALS this time… I wasn’t sure if the program was going to be virtual, so I wanted to wait. Wow - do you know how many people will move on to the next round(s)? Best of luck on the rest of the process!

Yea I just went and looked back at the original link for scheduling interviews and it seems like people could choose up to this week for their first interview. So if they’re waiting until everyone interviews to make a decision about who’s moving on to the next round(s), I think we probably won’t hear back until the end of this week or early next week. I agree though, seems like they’re cutting it kinda close lol :grimacing:

Did anyone hear back? A friend of mine that applied said she got an email for a Round 3 interview.


When did she complete her second interview? Did she mention what the third round interview entails/who it is with? I did my second interview on Friday afternoon but have not heard back yet about Round 3. I know they are known to stagger emails, but hoping to hear sooner rather than later.

Round 3 is the second interview. I also had my second interview this weekend, but he said at the end that we can expect to find out final decisions around the 15th (which is a little confusing because the first email we got about Round 2 said that there would be three total interviews before a final decision).

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Yes, I believe Round 3 interviews took place this past weekend (really from Thursday to Sunday). I think they were trying to pack them all into a few days so they can start making decisions.

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Thanks for clarifying that for me- I totally confused “3rd interview” and Round 3 in my head. :rofl: I should sleep more. Okay, that makes sense then and is also in line with what I was told. I know in the past they have only done 2 interviews and the 3 interview format is new this year- I have a feeling that maybe 3 interviews may not happen or may only happen for some people given the time until the 15th

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Lol no problem I thought the same thing when I first read it and almost had a heart attack :sob:. I just emailed them asking for clarification about how many interviews we should expect just to be sure, but I really don’t think there will be enough time because they would have to have the interviews this weekend, and then they’d be cutting it pretty close for decisions.

Lol I’m glad I was not the only one! I completely agree. If you could post on this thread what response you get from them, that would be greatly appreciated!! I had thought about emailing the same question.

Were you told how many the pool was down to for Round 3? I know for the initial interview they told us that it had been narrowed to 85. I didn’t hear anything about how many were invited from that 85 for the second interview though.

No problem they just emailed me back! They said that there will be a third interview, and that “all candidates will be informed of admission to the final interview round by early next week.” So I guess it’s safe to assume we won’t get a final decision by the 15th lol

I’ve been wondering the same thing! I just assumed they’d narrow it down a little every time but I don’t actually know and I’m scared to ask :sob: