Trinity Pawling

Hi - Need help narrowing schools for son entering 10th- anyone have current or recent experiences to share on: Loomis, Kent, TP, Avon, Pomfret, Berkshire – single sex or co-ed?

thanks -

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My brother went to Kent (graduated this June, summa cum laude). Based on what I’ve heard, I don’t think it’s a very good choice - for one, disciplinary action is allegedly significantly more lax on athletes, specifically those who play Squash and Hockey. As a result, half the campus perpetually “smells like weed”.

Though my brother did end up in UC Berkeley, in his senior year, the school enacted a policy changing the GPA system which he blames for his “only getting into UC Berkeley”. Before that, the maximum GPA was 6.0, meaning that the difference between a good student and a stellar student was easily discernible by the 5.0-6.0 span; so only one or two students could achieve a perfect 6.0. Whereas now, the maximum GPA was lowered to 5.0, making it so you can’t really discern between the stellar student and the decent student.

(I think my brother focused too much on academics though, and not enough on ECs, and I really doubt that was the reason he didn’t get into his colleges of choice. Still, it’s there).

On the other hand, from what I’ve seen Loomis has a really pretty campus.

Take your pick.

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My son graduated from Avon last year. He had a really great experience there. Classes are small, teachers are engaging and supportive. There’s a wide range of students at Avon - from those taking honors and AP to those whose interests lie outside of academics and the boys are supportive of each other. There remains a strong athletic culture there, perhaps even a dominant one, so that can be either a positive or a negative depending on your son. That said, they also have an award winning singing group and award winning artists - and they overlap with the athletes, which is pretty cool.

Happy to answer any more specific questions.


Thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated.


I have a kid at Kent (actually two now) and would strongly disagree with the above. The part about the GPA is incorrect. They changed it to a typical 4.0 scale from a previous 6.0 scale which was confusing to colleges. Neither scale includes weighting for honors or advanced studies classes.

I would agree that there is a perception that the hockey kids get off easy but I can assure you that there was a recent incident that proved otherwise. The campus definitely doesn’t smell like weed, LOL.

I attended Pomfret many years ago and loved my experience. I think you need to visit the schools, speak with current students, parents and staff and make your own decisions.


I guess my brother complained too much then, pretty typical from him ngl

My ds is a new Avon 10th grader this year, and out of the other schools on your list we also considered Loomis. I think you need to tour the schools and get a feel for yourself. I know that Avon will let your son tag along with a student for most of the day and then can interview after. Great way to get a feel for the school and community. They also have very good open houses in the fall as well. Although he hasn’t even started school yet (first day of classes is tomorrow) he doesn’t feel like a new student. He has been going to football lifts all summer and went to their football camp and already has been welcomed into the community.


Do you only consider theses schools? Loomis is a great school but seems one tier-higher harder than your other school listed. good sports. diverse student bodies.
Avon, Berkshire —heard good comments about both; my partner is a graduate of Berkshire and his feedback is all staffs in Berkshire are extremely supportive.
Kent --definite seen different comments and feedbacks. My family personally visited campus and maybe the weather that day was gloomy, and depressing, DD crossed it off final list.
Good luck!

Curious about “a recent incident”. how did it end up?

My son went to TP and reclassified to play lacrosse in college. It was a great option for him…wasn’t a strong student academically but they really kept tabs on him. He eventually got accepted to a college that wasn’t even on our radar due to acceptance rate and rigor where he played lacrosse.
That was/is TP’s strength. If you have a strong student and are looking at Ivy level schools I would lean toward Taft, Deerfield, Choate, etc

I would stay away from Pomfret. Too much to comment on but several faculty members left and there is absolutely no leadership. Full pay students are favored and rules do not apply to them. When you experience other boarding schools, this school is an absolute waste of money.

You really need to visit. Everyone I know with a child at Berkshire is/was extremely happy, but although we toured/interviewed with 2 of my kids we ended up not applying. I can’t put my finger on it, but the vibe somehow wasn’t right for them. Which is why you need to visit!

This doesn’t narrow your search, but if you are considering TP, why not Salisbury?

Hasn’t Kent had a change of leadership? So things are probably improved from a few years ago. A few years ago the rep was that discipline was laxer than at other schools.

Take a look at Pomfret! My older daughter graduated a couple of years ago and my youngest daughter is there now. Both chose Pomfret over other well-known schools based on the warmth they felt from the school. The school fosters and creates a tight knit and engaged community that takes on challenges, pursues excellence, and creates the space and support so necessary for growth. Both daughters have been academically challenged and built strong critical thinking and analytical skills. In terms of results, my older daughter entered University very well prepared and is thriving, which she credits to her Pomfret experience.