
<p>I got a letter saying that the Office of Admissions post-poned a final decision until i turn in this application to TRIO. Does anyone know what'll happen if i don't turn it in? Would i just not be accepted?</p>

<p>What is TRIO?</p>

<p>i says it's like for kids with low income and to help with like study skills or something</p>

<p>anyone know</p>

<p>Know nothing about that program, it may be not known to many posters on CC so I would talk directly with Admissions and get their official response. In general showing more interest gets you further than ignoring requests for information, such as an additional application. Also, anytime you are offered special or additional help with study skills take advantage of it- if it turns out you don't need the help you could deal with the people in charge and end it.</p>

<p>"i says it's like for kids with low income and to help with like study skills or something"</p>

<p>Yeah... That's really a slap in the face that they'd require you to enroll in it to be admitted, as if a low-income student couldn't succeed at the UW without TRIO. It's supposed to be a completely optional tool for those who feel they need it... Honestly, too, some kids from rich families could use help studying too. I don't know why they turn it into such a socioeconomic thing.</p>

<p>As a fellow student from a low-income family, say F you.</p>

<p>ok, thanks alot for the help</p>

<p>ceecee- they are offering a chance for extra help using an application, not all low income students need this, but this person may come from a school district where he didn't get the skills most people get; instead of outright rejecting him they are giving him a chance to get the skills to succeed if admitted. I'm sure there is some kind of funding involved that dictates how things are handled. He has a choice, take advantage of a chance to get in or ignore the application and possibly being rejected on the basis of his current record. Borderline candidates need to show interest, they'll take those over the ones that don't seem to care. It's great that UW is offerinf extra help so that students are admitted can succeed. You will find all sorts of minority programs that may not fit-eg for kindergarten the school district questioned my son's language needs because his father has a foreign primary language- son was already reading, only knows English (and his father's English is better than 90% of the American population's...). In middle school he got an invitation to a special assembly for Asians since there is a significant group of Hmongs in town- he is Indian on record...</p>

<p>The above post was rushed since we had to leave for Madison- got son back to campus. You learn not to be offended by efforts to help that may not apply. Go with the flow.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>