Trip to Tuscaloosa

<p>My DS and I just returned home to Dallas after a quick visit to T-town. He has been seriously considering bama but wanted to see it first hand before committing.</p>

<p>The visit arranged by the honors college was quite nice, but the highlight was on our flight from DFW to BHM. Upon taking our seats, the conversation when like this…</p>

<p>Guy next to me: “You from Birmingham”
Me: “No, we’re visiting a college that my son is considering”
Guy next to me: “Which school”
DS: “U of Alabama”
Guy next to me: “Roll Tide”
Guy across the aisle: “If you aint going to Auburn, no sense in making the trip.”
70-year old Lady: “You’re taking him to the right place… All three of my kids went to Alabama. I told them they could go anywhere in the country, but if they wanted me to pay they had to go to bama.”
Guy Across the aisle: “You know Auburn won the national championship”
70-year on lady: “I’m a fan of two teams. Alabama and whoever is playing against Auburn.”
Guy next to me: asks my DS… “Do you like beer? There’s lots of beer at Alabama. Do you have a girlfriend? There are a lot of fine girls at Alabama”</p>

<p>ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!!! It was an unexpected first impression, and made for a great start to our Alabama experience. Apologies for the long post, but hope it makes you chuckle - - as it did both of us.</p>

<p>ROFL!!! I’m glad y’all enjoyed your flight. It’s stories like this that make me feel so lucky to attend UA.</p>

<p>I have to pipe in here on a similar “first impression” from my oldest son that was attending Ohio State University. Mid September (2008) my husband and I brought our other boys to Tuscaloosa to watch our middle son run in the Crimson Classic Cross Country Race. This was also the first time my husband had seen the campus. As we drove around campus, my oldest (college JR) and youngest (HS Sophomore) boys had their radar on HIGH checking out the beautiful female population. My jaw dropped when my oldest mumbled…“Wow, I have to admit, I picked the wrong school! It is already to late for me to transfer.” </p>

<p>Oh the joys of raising boys…</p>

<p>momof3boyz: Your oldest son sounds like my youngest. He’s a HS freshman. When asked what he wanted in a college, he was very honest. Big school. Football. Great rec center. Lots and lots of pretty girls.</p>

<p>Notice how academics never were mentioned.</p>

<p>We too have had a similar experience. When we moved DD in last year for recruitment we took DS who is a junior at Loyola. His job was to build her rolling shelves. Put him in the hall and went back about 15 mins later to check on the progress. Box is open and laying the floor beside him, that’s it…nothing built!!!..DS is rubbing his neck as his head is swiveling at record rate as girl after girl walks by…he says "man…I would need a masseuse if I went to school here…there’s not one that is less than a “10”. We moved him into the room so he could finish the job. He has since “visited” his sister twice just to check if the rolling shelves are “ok”.</p>

<p>Guy Across the aisle: “You know Auburn won the national championship”</p>

<p>LOL…this guy seems to forget that Bama won the year before …and Bama has won 13, while Auburn has only won 2. And, unlike Bama who was highly ranked for its defending season, no one is expecting Auburn to do well this year. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>or to keep that National Championship once the NCAA penalizes them for Camgate, etc., most likely several years from now, given the turtle pace of the NCAA</p>

<p>Oh, this is the funniest thread ever! Yep, raising boys is something else. :D</p>

<p>LOL. Hubby and son had that conversation last summer when we did our original tour. There are some beautiful young girls there…and all we met seemed smart and personable. </p>

<p>Wake - our son flew out in February from Houston. On the trip home the weather was horrible. At the BHM airport he literally ran to the gate and asked if he could get on the earlier flight rather than be stuck for hours in bad weather. When the airline personnel at the gate said they would check but doubted it, he thanked them and mentioned he had to be back in high school the next morning. Since he really does look 25 - they asked what he was doing there. He told them he had been in interviews at UA. The guy looked at him and said “Get on the plane kid and Roll Tide!” He didn’t even have to pay a fee. </p>

<p>It’s a very different, gracious and special place. I am sooooo grateful we found UA.</p>

<p>^^^^Crimson great story.
I’ll add a short story. My son was past security at the BHM airport when a woman came up to him and said “hi” adding his name. My son was very polite (but confused) and answered hello. She explained that she wasn’t a crazy person, she just knew me from Facebook (as many of us UA mom’s do) and knew that he was traveling that day. </p>

<p>Word of advice to your students, we moms are everywhere (lol) :)</p>


<p>I confess to being the person who robotbldmom’s son thought might be crazy when I saw him in the BHM airport!</p>

<p>Well, momofonly1, you have a beautiful and friendly face, so I’m sure Robot’s son was not bothered in the least! :)</p>

<p>Awww. . . thanks Mom2</p>

<p>^^^Momofonly1: Of course I was thrilled that you met my son at the airport, he was just surprised that someone recognized him. But like he always says “Mom, you know everyone” (HAHAHA) I wish that were really true, but nice that we have this fun CC/Facebook mom’s network!! :)</p>