<p>I assume you won’t be taking any summer classes at IUB or at community college. If not, and with no credits coming in, you will need to average about 16 credits per semester for eight semesters at IUB to graduate with a finance degree (16 x 8 = 128). </p>
<p>You must take all the Icore prerequisites before you can take Icore. If you want to graduate in eight semesters, you should finish your Icore prerequisites by the end of your sophomore year, then take Icore the Fall semester of your junior year. The only Icore prerequisite that you may not have to take is ENG W131. Check this webpage to see if you have high enough SAT/ACT scores to not have to take W131.
<a href=“Indiana University Bloomington”>Indiana University Bloomington;
<p>Take a mixture of Icore prerequisites and gen ed courses that you need your first two years at IUB. On paper, this works out to nine to eleven credits or so of Icore prerequisites and about six credits of gen ed courses each semester (a lot of Icore prerequisites also double-count as gen ed classes, such Econ E201, Math M118, Math M119, and ENG W131). (E201 and E202 are both required to graduate from Kelley, so those two will satisfy your gen ed S&H requirment) But since many of the Icore prerequisites also count as gen ed requirements, you probably will only have to take one gen ed course some semesters. Look for A&H classes that double-count as World Culture Courses to reduce your number of gen ed courses and still meet the requirements. World Culture Courses that also appear on the A&H list will double-count for both A&H and World Culture Courses, so that you only will need two classes (instead of four) the meet the World Culture Courses requirement and A&H requirement.
<a href=“Indiana University Bloomington”>Indiana University Bloomington;
<a href=“Indiana University Bloomington”>http://www.indiana.edu/~bulletin/iub/general-education/2013-2014/courses/arts-and-humanities.shtml</a></p>
<p>Complete your Icore prerequisites and gen ed requirements your first four semesters at IUB, then you will be able to schedule all the classes you need for the finance major and Kelley 300-400 level classes in your last four semesters at IUB. </p>
<p>Your direct admit status won’t help you much at all for scheduling; there are a few Kelley classes open only to direct admits (are you in Hutton Honors; that would help scheduling a lot, if you are), but registration order is determined by current number of credits at the time of registration. As a direct admit, however, you only need solid C or above in your icore prerequisites.</p>
<p>You can find a list of the icore prerequisites and other Kelley graduation requirements beginning on page 13 of the Kelley bulletin. A new bulletin will come out sometime this summer probably; their probably won’t be really big changes that affect direct admits. Take Psy P101 Introductory Psychology I as one of your Breadth of Inquiry: Natural & Mathematical Sciences; it will still be an easy class for you to get into your first semester, as you will be signing up for classes when there are not many choices left.
<a href=“Indiana University Bloomington”>Indiana University Bloomington;
<p>How many gen ed classes do you need to take? See this page for the current list. Then select the specific courses from the lists. A new list should come out this summer sometime. Check it for any changes.
<a href=“Indiana University Bloomington”>Indiana University Bloomington;
<p>As far as easy grading courses, you can use the Grade Distribution Report for professors and classes that have graded easily in the past.<br>
<a href=“Grade Distribution: Reporting Services: Reporting & Security: Office of the Registrar: Indiana University”>http://registrar.indiana.edu/reporting/reports/grade-distribution.shtml</a></p>