Tuition exchage tcu

My D applied for tuition exchange with TCU. She REALLY wants to go there. Does anyone know the guidelines used to evaluate students? Is it academics? Is it longevity of parent at the school (father has been with school for over 20 years)? Is it outside activities?? Any information you could provide would certainly be appreciated!

Longevity of the parent at the school is only going to matter when the school where the father works determines if his dependent is eligible for TE (some schools let every kid use the benefit, others have pretty strict requirements and only a % of dependents are allowed to go on TE).

TCU grants TE to 11-40% of applicants, so most likely they will be reviewing similar to the way they would for merit scholarships - academics, leadership, activities, and the like. There may be other considerations, such as the relationships between the schools, whether they’ve had good experiences with any previous students from the father’s school, and so on. You should have your husband ask if the tuition exchange liaison at his school has any historical information on where previous students have applied and what success they’ve had.

Both my kids are on TE, and one of my D’s friends will graduate TCU this year (on TE).

Good luck!

Thank you so much for information. She applied for TE at Baylor and was denied… Another child from our home school went there last year but didn’t like it and left. Wonder if that made a difference?? I never knew TE was so competitive. That was one of the perks my husbad looked at when considering whether to stay in his job over the years. Fingers crossed it works out. My D’s heart is set (and so are my finances). Thanks again for the info.