Tuition Exchange for Fall 2021 Applicants

Congratulations to your daughter! Great news!

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Thank you!

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My daughter accepted her TE Scholarship to USC. She declined GW, Temple, and Santa Clara (Fachex). We hope someone gets the good news!


Talk about down to the wire… I can finally post an update. My son selected Case Western. We visited earlier this week and suddenly the school he heard from back in December, and barely gave any though to as other decisions came in, became the one that seems to be the perfect fit for him. TE brings the school down to the same cost as our in-state options and I’m so grateful that it offers this opportunity to attend a school that never would have been on our radar otherwise. I’m impressed by the personal touch they seem to extend and dare I say, Cleveland seems awesome (in the Spring, at least). I’ve loved following this group and hope our 2021 kids have a great freshmen years wherever they end up.


Congratulations @sleeplessinla! That’s great that your son got to use the TE!

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I know Tuition Exchange says they post a list of unfilled seats after 5/1. Has anyone found that?

I do recall seeing this list in past years on the main page of the TE website. I took a look myself and didn’t see it. Maybe they haven’t posted it yet?

That’s great! Congratulations!

Open TE spots just posted.

Our tuition exchange and college choice story. I have been following and looking forward to the Tuition Exchange Benefit for years. My daughter graduates high school next week and has a 4.0 GPA, completed full IB and had a 30 ACT, 31 super score. She applied to the following for Tuition Exchange (with results):
Tulane - accepted to University, denied Tuition Exchange - cost of attendance = $58,000 per year.
Rollins College - accepted, received Tuition Exchange Scholarship (fixed $40,000 per year) cost of attendance = $30,000 per year
Florida Southern College - accepted, wait listed for Tuition Exchange (full tuition - give 2 per year), wait list did not come through.
Loyola University New Orleans - accepted, denied Tuition Exchange.
University of Richmond - not accepted, withdrew from wait list.

University of Kentucky - state resident, accepted, including Lewis Honors College. Cost of attendance = $19,000 per year.
Home institution - accepted, cost of attendance = $8,000 per year.

After two years of college visits, discussions, etc. on May 1 at 1P our daughter finally decided on the University of Kentucky.

Lesions learned, my daughter was very excited about being accepted to Tulane - but we quickly learned Tuition Exchange Scholarships at the higher rated school are almost like winning the lottery (give 1-2 per year), we were recommended to limit Tuition Exchange applications to about 5 schools - looking back we would have cast a broader net for Tuition Exchange.

In sum, she’s very excited to be attending the University of Kentucky and its Honors College! So in the end the process worked. It was just very different (and more complex) than when I picked on college, took the ACT once, applied to that on college and went there.

I wish the best to everyone’s kids stating college on the fall and to all parent’s heading into this decision the next couple of years.

I’ve really enjoyed following the comments on this page during the past nine months!


@UncleDano Thanks for the update. I have a low stats kid and will be casting a very wide net. Hopefully your daughter loves U of K.

Thank you for the nice update. My D, too, was denied TE at Tulane. It was difficult news even though I knew it would be like winning the lottery but heck…one can dream. Right?

She wants to move forward with Tulane regardless. I guess that means I am free to explore work outside of higher ed. Uhmm… I wonder if she might transfer though. Is there a list of colleges that will accept TE transfer students.?

If you go to the te search their should be an option to select transfer students.

And yeah, I totally get the find other work part. My college really tried selling TE as this massive benefit and knowing it’s a long shot makes me question why I stay in such a low paying job.


I found the search but I am not clear on the language… does this mean I could reapply Sophmore year to Tulane again?
The “not” part throws:

"… In addition to freshmen, will make award offers to transfers and/or to students currently enrolled but not on TE (sophomores, juniors and seniors) for 2021-2022

Yes. It means that if they were declined from TE frosh year they could reapply other years. You would have to talk with the schools TE office to see if upper levels get a higher chance of getting TE then.

Sadly Tulane does not give priority to upperclassmen but if I am still working I plan to give a shot. Thank you for interpreting what they were saying.

New to this thread and glad I found it. I had no idea that it was so hard to actually get anything in the tuition exchange! I will have to start researching more! So far, her gpa is 4.17, ACT 34 (doesn’t plan to take again), SAT 1460 (plans to take it again). She will be going to boarding school in the fall (a top 10 BS) as a repeat Jr. glad we get an extra year to figure things out!

Welcome and yes this board was super helpful to me as I did feel like I was navigating TE in a vacumn otherwise. You will make good friends along the way too. Everyone is so honest and sharing in the discussion.

My export school allowed us to pick up to 10 schools. You might as well do that but my advise is not pick all 10 to early in the Fall as no doubt your D or S will be adding schools to their as they learn about other schools. In other words, get your app into the Tuition Exchange board with the few that you know your child wont be changing their mind by your export school’s or TE’s deadline. Then you can add to this list after the deadline in early Fall. So don’t pick the maximum right off the bat. As for the “win the lottery” comments, it is very true. The colleges listed as < 10% are like winning the lottery. Many are not that transparent on who they are picking too. Is it merit ? is it need? I have no idea on how it is finally decided in that back room at the import school. LOL. Something else i learned about the college thing in general is that your child’s “safety” schools really want you and often they do rolling admisions so you not only hear eary on in the cycle but then they send an admittance letter with a huge about of merit! Go figure. I was just floored when that happened to my D. I thought only TE was my only hope but no there appears to be some private colleges that are really nice schools that must have alot of merit money just waiting to sweeten the deal.

Please do hang with this group. I wish I had know earlier about this group as many had gone through TE before so they were super helpful. And when you get a “denied” it certainly was nice to have people here that have your back and lift you back up … as TE really is a crap shoot in the end for many of the colleges on the list.


Hi @AnonMomof2! This thread was definitely helpful for us too. Your D’s stats are high and hopefully she has a good chance at TE! If she is willing to seriously consider schools that are considered more safeties the greater your chances of getting TE. For my D she was ok about applying to the ones that were more safeties but really in the end she didnt want to go to any of them, even though really all were great schools. Kids are highly influenced by their peers sometimes which can be frustrating. Anyway, for us D did end up getting TE at her first choice school (Skidmore) but initially was admitted but waitlisted for TE. Also same story at some other target colleges too – admitted but waitlisted for TE. This was a real nail biter for us but in the end TE did come through.

I agree with @Breagh that a lot of LACs offered great merit money making the cost very comparative to our flagship state university. We tried to target some schools that had TE but also known to give good merit in case the TE didnt come through. The one thing I wish we spent less time on is looking at out of state public universities. While they did offer merit it was still out of reach financially and just didnt make sense when our in state flagship university (UMass) is excellent.

Good luck and if anyone out there reading has any questions I am happy to share about our experience!

I have a low stats kid so I’m keeping my eye on the list of the places that still have TE openings this year. Salve Regina and Lawrence for example.