Tuition Exchange for Fall 2021 Applicants

We just got the email! My D will be joining her! Fight on!


Thank you for the information. Interesting how differently the colleges handle it. Since it is considered a “benefit” where I work, I figure I will keep sending a request off to Tulane each year. No doubt they will deny it but what the heck. Right.


Congrats to you both!

This group has been a little quiet. Any more college decisions? Keep us posted!

As it snows here today, I am really wishing my son’s gpa would raise enough so that he might have a slim chance at one of the TE schools in Florida. UNF, U of Tampa, Jacksonville U and Stetson will all be higher up on his wish list but hes only a hs soph so who knows what will happen in 2 years.

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My decided to go to our state’s flagship school (Binghamton). Thankfully NY state schools are reasonably priced estimated COA $25,000 for this year.

He got the TE scholarship at :
Dickinson plus additional merit but it was still going to be $8k more per year than SUNY. We were able to tour and the school didn’t seem like a good fit either.

University of Delaware. He got into the Honors College, but when we toured he couldn’t see himself there. Unfortunate because TE at UD is full tuition scholarship.

Siena. Full tuition scholarship but couldn’t see himself there either.

Hobart William & Smith. Additional merit as well bring cost down to $27k/year but wasn’t a good fit for my son either.

Did not get TE at:

Villanova. Received some merit and grants but would still be $44k/year. Was #49 on the TE waitlist.

Franklin & Marshall. But gave a generous package with merit bringing COA to $31k/year. Visited F&M son really liked it and it was his 2nd choice. Just worried about what FA he would receive in future years.

Also applied to these schools hoping to get TE but was either waitlisted or denied admission.

Lafayette. Denied. Demonstrated interest is important for future applicants. Son showed no interest so it wasn’t surprising.

Bucknell. Waitlisted.

Skidmore. Waitlisted

We learned a lot from this process this go around. Another reason we could justify turning down the full tuition scholarships is that my husband’s institution looks at seniority as to which children get to try for TE. If you use TE, you lose a year of service for each year your student uses it. We have a son who is a HS freshman and worried my husband wouldn’t have enough seniority for his go around. That son is willing to apply all over the country (S21 didn’t want to be farther than a 5 hours drive from our home) so we will have S24 apply only to schools with full TE scholarships.


@tcl2b1g Congratulations to your son! A great school and it sounds like a good thought out decision. It’s interesting how everyone’s experience with TE is a bit unique.

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How does it work if May 1 decision day comes and your student is still on the waitlist for TE somewhere? It seems like there is going to be a huge domino effect when people finally decline their TE and then it can be offered to a student on the waitlist. But much of this must occur after May 1 when admittance must be accepted or declined.

I feel for all the kids trying to make decisions as there seems to be so much waitlisting this year.

I really do wish everyone the best of luck!

A lot of schools will likely offer TE off the waitlist after May 1 if they don’t fill their class/get enough TE imports. If you deposited somewhere else, but change your mind and accept the TE offer, you just lose your deposit at the other school.

Thank you. So the student should just decline admission at those colleges they know they are not interested but leave all others undeclared? I just wonder if you lose your spot (admissions-wise) if you don’t let them know either way by May 1.

No…you need to accept and deposit at one by May 1. If TE comes through afterwards, you rescind your commitment and worst case, lose your deposit (some schools will refund it to a certain date).

TE can come through the evening of May 1 or shortly after, or as late as August.

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You will want to deposit at the school the student wants to attend, assuming no other TE comes in. Then, if you were to receive an offer after May 1, you could accept and may just lose the deposit at the prior school. If you don’t deposit anywhere, you wouldn’t be guaranteed any spot.

I think if you don’t withdraw, you’ll remain on the TE waitlist. But if your kid is really interested in those schools definitely keep contacting them and tell them you are really interested. I think that can make a real difference. I posted earlier but we got off the TE waitlist and made it very clear to the school we would accept if offered TE. Also, yesterday my daughter got offered TE at another school she was originally waitlisted for TE but she withdrew from! Good luck!!

My daughter is about to decline tuition exchange offers from Illinois tech, Stevens Institute of Technology, and Worcester Polytech. I truly hope some of you, guys, can get it!!!


As a follow-up to my earlier “summary” post, D21 ended up being offered TE off the wait list at both Gettysburg and Mount Holyoke.

After almost committing elsewhere on Monday, she was notified of the TE offer from Mount Holyoke on Monday afternoon. That had been her top choice for almost a year. She decided to sleep on it and in the end decided to accept the offer from MHC.


Fantastic news! Congratulations!!

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@TEM2003 Did you daughter decide yet where she will go? Good luck!

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Yep. She will go to USC. She did not get TE award there, but the financial aid offer is very good.

I made sure to email the TE exchange liaisons from all three schools, so I truly hope they will make some offers.