Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

Nothing here yet. Actually, my kid doesn’t have any college decisions at all yet. She sent in 3 Early Action applications (one TE) and will hopefully hear from 1 or 2 of those this week (including the TE one) and then the remaining in January. I don’t know if the TE decision will come at the same time or not. After that, she won’t hear from her regular decision schools (including her other 3 TE schools) until March at least. She actually still has 4 more applications to submit.


Mine hasn’t even submitted 3 of her TE apps yet. Still has about 7 apps to do. Her break starts next Thursday (same day we find out about her REA). We did get a letter from Villanova (submitted CSS and TE app but not school app yet), that they have fewer awards this year to give and existing students get priority over freshmen. So that seems about as likely as her REA! I think most of hers are later at awarding. One doesn’t even have an application deadline until Feb. 1


He has 2 more TE apps to finalize.

No TE news so far.

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Nope. No TE decisions here.

Two of the TE schools gave scholarships to 23, and the amounts are more or less close to the TE amount. A third TE school gave a teeny tiny amount of merit, and we hope for TE.

Some of the TE schools won’t be notifying until next year on admission, so I assume TE decisions will come after that.

I am on a work trip and barely thought about college apps for the past week—and it is SO nice!!

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D23 has 17 apps total, 16 are on TE. Of those, she EA’d at 10 (including the one non-TE school). She has heard from 5 of them so far and was accepted. Of the 5, two offered TE and the others (so far) merit awards (no word on TE from those other 3). We were not expecting to hear anything about TE until March, so it was a pleasant surprise to get TE from those two so far (and a relief for D23). My best guess here as to why so early is that it could be that some TE schools know that historically they receive fewer TE apps (the two she received are national liberal arts colleges in the 11 - 40% TE awarded category) so if an applicant has high enough stats, they may well just award the TE in the EA process. I suspect that schools in the “below 10%” category certainly wait until the RD process is finished, and probably some in the 11-40% do too - it’s just that these two did not wait.

Best of luck to everyone. It’s a long process of waiting. D23 is pretty exhausted by the whole process, and still has to get her last 7 RD applications out. It’s a bit crazy for a kid to apply to 17 schools, but TE at any given school is far from certain. It’s also a shame seeing these merit awards coming in and knowing that their top merit $$ (which D23 has received so far from the three schools she was accepted to with no word on TE yet) is no where near enough to make the school affordable. Based on COA, it’s TE or nothing. It’s crazy that a full merit award doesn’t do the trick on affordability.

Everybody hang in there!


My DS applied to 11 schools including 5 with a possibility of TE. Only two had an EA option, which he did. He has one acceptance with $25k merit aid (TE notification in spring) and waiting to hear back from other one next week.

Most of his admissions decisions won’t come until March and that’s when we assumed that we’d hear about TE for all of them. I do feel like I may be slightly more impatient with the waiting than he is. I hope that continues for his sake!


Agreed that it is still tricky because “full award amount” doesnt equal affordable. Full tuition is much better.

DS did get a 36k merit at 43k tuition school thus far making it the most affordable at the moment. Fingers crossed he gets TE (or in our case FACHEX) at a couple of schools at least!


Most of D23’s full merit awards so far leave COA at about 40k a year, which is not affordable (for us). This is also the case for some “set rate” TE. BU and Fordham, for instance, are about 40k a year for full COA after TE. But 36k merit at a 43k tuition school is not bad on COA, probably puts total COA in the low 20s? The one non-TE school on D23’s list after merit is about 21k COA.


What are some of the largest student population TE Schools?

One thing my son is struggling with is just how small of a school he is willing to attend.

My son applied to 10 TE schools. He has been accepted to 4 so far but no word on TE.

I am not expecting anything before February.

My older son did not hear until the 11th hour a few years back. Phone call came on 5/1.

This post from upthread might be helpful if your son is trying to review his options again:

Has he thought about Seton Hall? They have (or at least used to have) big sports fandom in basketball, at least, and it’s outside of the midwest, and it’s close to New York City which could provide both some fun entertainment options as well as professional options, depending on what in music he wants to do. Syracuse seems like it’d be a great fit, but I think it does set rate instead of full tuition, and unless the budget has increased significantly, it still wouldn’t be in-budget anyway.

Merrimack seems to offer a full complement of sports (though I don’t know how popular the sports events are), but although they offer music majors, it doesn’t look like there were any majors (or at least 1-major only people) in music in College Navigator.

Long Island U also seems to offer a full complement of sports, including football, but I’m unsure how well-attended/in-demand sports events are. But there are over 10k undergrads here. It’s classified as a commuter campus, but nearly half of first years live on campus. And the photo collage on the front page is including photos of lacrosse, football, and soccer, so perhaps it is more of a sports school? And, at least as of when I researched the last post, LIU was in the 40-60% offer rate for TE.

Unfortunately, some of the other options I’d think about (Xavier, Creighton, etc) are midwestern schools which I know has not been his preference.


Rock star reply as always!

Hes in at Xavier but isnt thrilled with midwest. I did get him to apply to DePaul and Stetson. Syracuse is on his to do list.


Did anyone apply to Villanova? Got a letter that they have even fewer than normal TE spots this year (and they are under 10% to begin with), and that priority will go to current upperclassmen who are applying. DD had not applied yet so has removed it from her list. That only leaves 3 TE’s. The rest are meets need- not sure any will be at a price we were hoping. Her 3 TE’s are set rate not full tuition.

DS originally had Villanova on his list so he received the same letter by mail. The letter plus a “mid” campus tour convinced him not to apply in the end. My DS has 5 (competitive) TE schools and the rest meet need, but with my husband self-employed we have no good idea what that will end up looking like. Good luck!

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Good luck to you too! Two of her 3 remaining are pretty competitive. And one would need an additional scholarship to be affordable (they do stack).


Will the colleges send you emails/mails, confirming the receipt of TE applications? My daughter applied to 10 TE schools, none of them sent us confirmations.

Only 1 school sent us a confirmation email from the TELO. It was a basic email “Thanks for applying for TEP. First step is to complete application, FAFSA, and CSS.”

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At some point in the process you can go online to the TE site and see status of app for each school.


In our case, only my home college’s TELO sent those confirmation emails.

My son had Villanova on his list originally too. But when I inquired, they told me they would likely have ONE TE spot for freshmen this year. It wasn’t worth all the extra essays for him to even try. He wasn’t that in love with it, so he ended up not even applying.