Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

Thank you all! The process is so long. Parents are more stressful than the kids.


Thanks. I didn’t realize it was possible to see that status on the TE site. Now I have another website to stalk all winter/spring :laughing:

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Yep. That’s why earlier in this thread I said to make sure to reach out to the TE reps at each school if TE is a priority. Villanova was one of the schools I contacted for D20 that said the percentage on the TE website was inaccurate and their true number for incoming students is 1%. Like you, I was also told they would have “1 or maybe 2” that year. At least now Villanova sends a letter to prospective students stating upperclassmen are a priority for TE awards.

I think the TE website has the lowest stat for TE awards at a college listed at <10%. If they published the true numbers for some of these colleges, it would no longer be considered a perk for employees and colleges couldn’t tout it as a benefit. Most faculty at my college no longer consider TE a reasonable benefit anyway. Over the years we have witnessed too many faculty and staff kids that have been denied TE. And now even Syracuse no longer guarantees it for admitted students.

It’s great you checked in advance and can save your son the time and energy of another app.


We got mail today saying he was approved for TE. TE website says full tuition. Award letter is at the set rate. Still leaves 13k for tuition.



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Gustavus Adolphus (a small school in Minnesota)


Congrats on the TE! Interesting that it doesn’t match the website terms. I wonder what’s up with that?

My D23 was accepted to one of her TE schools and a full FA letter was included, but no mention of TE. Does that mean it’s still possible later? No update to TE status on the website -still says waiting on import school.

My D23 has two TE offers so far, both were included in the FA letter, and both were reflected on the TE status portal BUT one of them did not update for about two weeks after the school’s application portal announced it. So, I’d guess that it’s just a hold up on their end, probably different people in charge of doing different aspects of notification and some places are better at connecting the dots than others.


Gustavus, Jacksonville U and Xavier acceptances all included merit awards but no TE info.

Gustavus sent the TE acceptance letter via mail about 2 weeeks after acceptance.

Im going to email Gustavus when school opens back up to ask about the discrepancy in the award.


If you check out the TE page for Gustavus it says: “Gustavus offers a limited number of full tuition scholarships each year but will offer additional awards at the set rate.” Hopefully he got the full tuition and it’s a mistake, but it’s possible it is meant to be set rate.


Exactly. With it being this early I was hoping full tuition but oh well.

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Right. Well, first - that’s a really good school so congrats! Second, if it turns out that it is set rate, I wonder if they treat the set rate offers as “wait listed” for full tuition in the chance that people offered full tuition do not accept? I’ve never seen a school offer both full and set, so who knows? At least worth asking.


To the point made above that TE would not seem like such a great benefit if we knew the true number of awards given out, I find it interesting we’ve received zero TE at this point out of 3 TE schools.

That said, two gave substantial merit. I have absolutely no beef with getting merit instead of TE, especially since the amount is above the set rate for one school and very close to set rate for the other. That works for the budget.

We still have some possibilities out there and will hear back sometime between January - March, so more replies are to come.


How do you know - were you told you were rejected? I only say this because most TE schools wait until Feb/March, and before then let you know about their in-house merit scholarships.


FYI, in our experience there was a significant delay in the TE status being updated on that site.


Apparently some universities let students know as soon as they’re accepted. S23 pulled his EA app at one school after being admitted ED elsewhere, but it was only a few days before EA decisions came out. I guess they didn’t process it in time because he received an EA decision with everyone else a little over a week ago. He was admitted and they stated he also received the TE award. I also received a separate email from Tuition Exchange Org saying our TE application to that university has been approved and if he is not attending to please decline ASAP so they can offer it to someone else. So it seems several schools don’t wait until spring.


11 TE school apps, 5 non TE school apps.

Only heard about TE from the 1 school (Gustavus). Did not get full tuition but did get set rate (41k) which brings tuition down to 13k (its an expensive private school). The set rate TE still makes it more expensive than some of the other non TE schools he applied to (after merit).

At gustavus he had received a 32500 merit plus 1500 yearly scholarships. The set rate TE canceled out those scholarships.

(fyi, TE website is not updated with the gustavus TE award but I figured with the holiday things would be delayed anyways).

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Which school?

Case Western


Thanks! Your comment helped me. :blush:

To clarify, I wasn’t indicating 23 was rejected from TE. I was surprised 23 received merit and not TE.

Your note leads me to think not hearing about TE yet is normal.