Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

Congratulation to all your TE awards and College acceptances! I stumbled upon this thread as I was digging about Syracuse decisions (Still in shock). I am a bit late in joining this thread and luckly we have been able to manage the TE process with just an info session by the export school. I basically just devoured whatever information I could from the TE website. I am happy to share our process and whatever information we receive to help future TE families.

My husband and I both work in Higher Education. Our deadline to submit our list of schools to our HR office was October 1st. We did make the mistake of both parents applying for TE and quickly we discovered that we needed to withdraw one set and we decided it would be me as my tenure in Higher Ed is much shorter as I fluttered between Higher Ed and Corporate jobs. I did have to send a few apology letters to a few schools since I read that was a very BAD mistake on our part. Eeek!

We did thoughtfully withdraw our TE application for those schools that our D23 decided not to apply to so that we could open up options for other TE families

Here is our overall list both TE and Non-TE schools

TE schools

Drexel - Accepted by Admissions - TE Waitlisted
Fairfield - Accepted by Admissions - TE Awarded (40k)* I think this should be 41k as that is the minimum
Richmond - Waitlisted by Admissions
Temple - Accepted by Admissions - TE Waitlisted
Villanova - In the end Denied by Admissions
Loyola of Maryland - Accepted by Admissions- TE Awarded (47k)
Syracuse - Waitlisted by Admissions

Non-TE schools

University of Maryland(UMD) - Accepted by Admissions (no Merit; loans only)
Penn State (Happy Valley) - Accepted by Admissions (no Merit; loans only)
University of Virginia (UVA) - Denied by Admissions
University of New Hampshire (UNH) - Accepted by Admissions
Towson - Accepted by Admissions (8k Merit and loans)


Sorry…I meant waitlisted at Pitt. June 1 would be the notification date for Pitt’s waitlist but it doesn’t matter as he prefers Duquesne as it’s smaller and established for his major (education.)


My D23 found out today thru the TE portal that she didn’t get TE at BU. The portal indicated she was put on the BU TE waitlist. (No notification from BU.) With zero merit and no TE, she is moving on!

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We went back into the portal (just by chance) and there was a new letter in there about tuition exchange being denied. There was no email or notice that it was there. You might want to check the portal!

I saw your second message. It sounded to me from your earlier message that you got TE at Syracuse but a later message sounded like it was saying the opposite.

I’m sorry if you didn’t get the TE at SU. We are sad about that school, too.

Yeah same here. Denied TE for Salve Regina University on the portal but no notification or letter.

WPI has sent notifications. Son was denied. That is fine and was expected. This info may be helpful for future applicants who have WPI as a top choice:

WPI cannot hold new applicants on a Waitlist. Should you decide to attend WPI, we encourage you to reapply for Tuition Exchange in future years. Occasionally, WPI has Tuition Exchange Scholarship slots come open. If TE Scholarship slots become available, WPI would consider your application as a currently enrolled WPI sophomore, junior or senior student.

That marks the final school to give TE notice for us. So glad that’s done! I’ll do a summary thread sometime later. He was admitted to every school he applied to except he’s waitlisted at CWRU.

For now, he’s been denied TE at 3 and approved at 2 schools. He withdrew his app from 1. He is currently on 2 TE waitlists.

Waitlist school A, he’ll seriously consider attending if TE comes through. I think he has a good shot at getting TE at waitlist school B, but I don’t think he’d likely attend.

We’ve told him he can go anywhere that’s $30K or less. That leaves 10 schools. Wow, I hadn’t realized there were that many until I just now counted. I suspect it will be easy for him to narrow it down to 2-3, which he’ll do in the next couple days.

I predict it will come down to Purdue ($24K) and Syracuse ($17K). The hail mary would be an offer from TE waitlist school A on May 1. As exciting as that may be, I don’t know that I want that drama.


Congratulations! My son was waitlisted for TE at Rose-Hulman and secured it for RIT. Sounds like you have amazing opportunities ahead!


We also got that notification from WPI. I honestly wonder if they give any at all! If anyone in this group got it, I’d love to hear.

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Holy moly!!!

Congrats!! An admit to UMD was not easy this year. Their acceptance rate is in the 30s.

You know a school is insanely expensive when even a $41k scholarship leaves it too expensive. It’s insane out there!


Has anyone heard from Simmons regarding tuition exchange?

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Not sure if it is pertinent, but my D20 is at Simmons on TE. She learned of the award at the same time she got her acceptance letter.


We got 50k at one school and it’s still too expensive.

Thanks for the info!

Isn’t that outrageous?!? What school is that, if I may ask?

Thank you! This means so much! We are trying to find the positives out of this journey! The waitlist at Syracuse was a huge setback. Hopefully D23 will find her dream school that we can afford in what is left on the table. D23 is done greiving and kicking herself for not doing ED and is going to fight for a waitlist spot at Syracuse. We have been upfront with the waitlist numbers so D23 is well aware of the mountain she needs to climb. In the mean time, we are starting the Acceptance Student Day road show journey, and fingers crossed she will find a school and fall in love leaving Syracuse in the rearview.


St. Lawrence. She got the 41k TE plus $9k additional merit. And that left $35k (which included the federal loan of 5k)

Case Western just sent my waitlisted son a financial aid estimate. I dislike a lot of their admissions shenanigans, but I like that they give the estimate before asking if you want to stay on the waitlist. I know they are rather generous with aid.

I’m surprised at the amount of aid (it’s split ~50/50 merit/need). It does NOT say anything about TE. We’d been thinking no way for Case because I thought that it wouldn’t be affordable even with TE. But they would come in at $27K cost, which is within our $30K budget.

We’ll have to have a convo with our kid about whether or not he wants to stay on the list. He really liked the school, but I know acceptance is <10% off of waitlist. I’m guessing he’ll want to let it go.