Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

Syracuse released yesterday, I’d assume all TE offers are out.

Boston U released today.

Syracuse TE only showed up in aid offer on MySlice. Didn’t show up in admit letter or on TE portal.

No aid letter here yet

Interesting, I hope you get good news. :crossed_fingers:

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Thanks. All of the responses hadn’t loaded on my PC. He did get in because we were copied on a few emails. He said he received $25K merit, but he is away on a school trip, and I can’t get into MySlice. I guess we will find out tomorrow when he gets home.


I’m stalking this thread for next year so thank you so much!!!


Congrats on the TE award at Marquette! I wonder how your visit was and if you have decided to accept the offer? Or still deciding?

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Still deciding. The visit was very good, and we were really impressed with the Health Sciences/pre PA/pre-med set up they have. Marquette is the “best” academic school close to home that she has TE for. However, she was surprised how much she wasn’t fond of being in the middle of a city–I’m not sure what she was expecting. April 1 is her (own) deadline to make a choice, and we’ll be notifying the schools that offered right after that. If your student is still hoping for TE there, don’t give up hope…


Good luck with the decision! Never been on Marquette campus but probably will visit next year for D25. She would like to have city, so that’s good. I’m glad you have several options to choose from!

I know the new PA building at MU is great!

Kalamazoo College is another TE school in a city. WMU is there in town, too. Kalamazoo also gives good merit around the amount of TE if stats are high enough.

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After all the research, 23 got TE at one school. Full tuition.

23 was a bit focused on mostly Top 100ish big universities, so that is partly why we didn’t get more. 23 applied to a few of the TE schools at my insistence and remained uninterested in those.

Thank you to everyone for your wisdom and support. I started this thread so long ago to share info and learn from each other, and we sure did!

Good luck to Class of 2027 and their parents!

Welcome to Class of 2028 kids and their parents!


Thanks for the suggestions! I will check those out.

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The Syracuse TE award was listed when he logged into their MySlice account. And then DID stack. By far the most generous for us.

We also just got an update from Lafayette (checked the portal, no email). He did not get TE (was put on waitlist). And they gave him Zero merit aid. That hurts at $80k+ COA


We haven’t received any info from Lafayette at all —- other than acceptance at full price (completely ignoring the FAFSA EFC).

Late to the conversation but DS was offered TE full tuition at Duquesne the first week of Feb. Was waitlisted at Pitt where he might still get full tuition remission but then went to Duquesne’s admitted student day two weeks ago, loved it and committed on the spot. So happy he found a place that just seems to fit. Even if he gets into Pitt, we are happy with the decision.


Congrats!! I’m happy to hear this!!

Was he waitlisted for admission to Pitt or accepted to Pitt and then waitlisted for Tuition Exchange?

AHA!!! The mysterious liminal Pitt TE waitlist does exist. Finally we have observed Schrodinger’s waitlist.

Or do you mean waitlisted for admission :thinking:

(Congrats on Duquesne BTW)

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I have the same question! I figure they mean waitlisted for admission.

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Congrats- My son also received TE from Duquesne and was out there for admitted students day with my wife. They both loved it. I think he is now down to Xavier and Duquesne.