Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

@Excel_Dad I’m having trouble adding S23’s info on the Google sheet without it showing the edits from my personal email account. Could you add it for me?

We had to pull his other apps once accepted to his ED school, but we did hear back from Case Western. He was accepted (EA round) and received TE. Here are his stats:

4.3 w GPA (school only does weighted and doesn’t rank)
1550 SAT (submitted)
10 APs (rest all Honors)
2 college courses for credit in STEM field (at well-known tech university)
National AfAm Recognition Scholar
Varsity captain of 2 different sports (not recruited though)
Top 5 finish in a state competition (I’m being vague to remain anonymous)
A few other extracurriculars in both STEM and non-STEM
Average volunteering


Got you covered, Prof SD! I just added S23’s info to the sheet. Thanks!


Odd question, if the TE eligible parent dies, does TE continue if already in college?

Since TE awards have to be certified each year by sponsoring institution, I would check with parent’s sponsoring school on their eligibility policy.
It’s my understanding that since TE institutions have different guidelines for imports/exports, the answer will vary.

Having said that, I truly hope this won’t be an issue for your family.

At my school, the TE benefit would continue if the TE-eligible parent dies or retires. This may be school specific, though - so worth checking. Hopefully you’re just thinking hypothetically. I am the TE-eligible in my family, and I checked just because I wanted to know about what would happen in both cases.

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@Excel_Dad - can not update shared spreadsheets on my work computer but would like to add my son’s stats to the amazing spreadsheet - TE awarded at Pitt, 3.98/4.7 GPA, 10 APs, 35 ACT.

Looking for my D25 next!

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Sounds like you should start the new thread! On the upper right hand corner of the home screen there is a button that says “+ New Thread.” Then you can start the thread for Fall 2024 (Class of 2028)!


Elisette - I’ll get your info up tomorrow but just to be sure - was Pitt his only TE app?

He was denied at Dayton - only those two.

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Got it - thanks! And good luck to your son!

That’s amazing!!! Congratulations on all of the awards. Sounds like he’s going for free!?

Even if not 100% free, this is fabulous news.

Do you mean fall of 2024?

Hi! I’m a 2020 TE dad and wished we had something like this! I’m starting the process up again with a son looking to enroll Fall 2025 and definitely bookmarking here!


I get a few years off - I’m back on the TE beat in 2027 for my D27. Luckily I’ll have all this work from 2023 to refer to, so it will be a lot easier! Good luck in your search in 2025!

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I have a daughter 2025 so already keeping an eye on TE again a bit. Cultivating a list for her to look at slowly.


@2plustrio doing the same – planning the epic “junior spring break college road trip” already! One of us will have to kick off the “Tuition Exchange for Fall 2025 (Class of 2029)” thread in Aug/Sept! :wink:


Another Fall 2025 parent here - we visit Marquette on Sunday and have a fairly complete list of where for her to apply within the TE network.


Hey there Excel Dad - wondering how to access the shared spreadsheet so that I can add my D23 info? Thanks much.

I’ve got a D24, and she’s applying for TE at four schools. I’d be happy to add stats and share info throughout the process. (She’s also applying at four “no loan” schools.")
