Tuition remission

Has anyone succeeded in convincing the UW to reduce tuition for an out-of-state student. Wisconsin law seems to allow it, :
Wis State 36.27 states that tuition remission is available for nonresident students on the basis of merit, “to be shown by suitable tests, examinations, or scholastic records and continued high standards of scholastic attainment.”

Tuition remission is usually for those who are part of the academic staff or employees of a college or university. Are your referring to this-

I’m aware of the remission for TAs and grad assistants. But the statute also talks about remission on the basis of scholastic merit" under the heading of “Nonresident tuition exceptions:”

Actually it’s sub(3) Tuition remissions

Sounds like the Board of Regents can authorize merit based scholarships which give out of state students in state tuition. That is what the Powers-Knapp scholarship does – tuition remission for OOS students so that they pay instate rather than OOS tuition. If someone doesn’t get the scholarship, no reduced tuition.

Unless there is someone on CC who is more familiar with this legistation, you may need to contact U of WI’s bursar’s or FA office.