Tulane, GW, or RPI?

<p>I'm interested in studying biomedical engineering undergrad.. to possibly go on to med school.
my college options include</p>

<p>Tulane with a 22,000 scholarship
George Washington with a full tuition scholarship
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute</p>

<p>any insight?
anything you want to tell me about either of those schools?
any comments would be great!

<p>George Washigton They are free. Free money Rocks!!!! Yeah I go to a crappy school But it is free so who cares. Go Free money!!!!!!</p>

<p>RPI, if $ is not a issue for u</p>

<p>Wow...totally go with GW...unless you don't like St. Louis.</p>

<p>RPI does have the most prestige there and the best environment, but if you didn't get ur money from there yet, rethink.</p>