Tulane (Honors/Altman Program) vs. UC Berkeley for public policy/political economy

Any input greatly appreciated!

New Orleans small vs. huge public.

Cost maybe.

FIne in their own way.

thank you

Tulane MUCH smaller than UC Berkley (~25% the size) but wouldn’t consider 8K “small”. Agree though - both Fine in their own way.

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As one source of information related to your intended major, this site, which names UCB, may be of interest:

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Has your kid visited both? Are they both affordable? If they’re both affordable, I think someone would have a definite preference between the two after experiencing them in-person.


The Altman program is exceptional and a unique experience. Congratulations on having it as an option! To me, it’s a differentiator. @KKreis has a child in the program and can likely provide valuable insights.


Thank you so much!

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Thank you, I thought Altman would have sealed the deal but getting into Berkeley yesterday added a little doubt.

I can’t speak to Berkeley at all, however factoring in getting two separate degrees with Altman. Not dual degrees, but a BS or BA AND a BSM.
My daughter is a junior in the program, the cohorts are so tight knit, the curated support from the Altman staff, and the opportunities beyond just the coursework have been exceptional. Your junior year abroad will be exceedingly immersive. I saw a “piece” that made social media news about someone complaining about their semester abroad. That won’t be your experience. My daughter is currently on her two week fall break in Brazil, and is touring other parts of the country, solo, totally relying on her Portuguese. And when she leaves Brazil she will head to a summer internship at Ernst and Young. This program has been an amazing opportunity for her.


My son was accepted into Altman Program. I don’t know much about it but seems very cool. I hope to meet some Altman kids too. Is the destination Tulane informative?

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