<p>Do depressed and those who deeply hate themselves hang out in tumblr? I just recently discovered that and it is scary. Some of my friends harm themselves physically and they hang out in tumblr to learn how to do that from each other. I even think they learned from each other on tumblr - whenever they feel bad, they dwell on it and talk about it on tumblr and they talk about how to cut themselves on their legs, wrists, etc.</p>
<p>I noticed that too. When I saw that I thought tumblr is the place to find suicidal people.</p>
<p>I think tumblr is ruining a generation - no offence to the CCers who use it. You’re excluded. But seriously, people who are addicted to tumblr normally have serious problems. but again, addiction in general ruins people.</p>
<p>I think that they dwell on Tumblr because it’s the only place they can actually talk to people about their problems and to people who are going through the same things as they are. It’s hard to understand if you aren’t in their situation or a situation similar to theirs.</p>
<p>All of this is true… when I had a tumblr I just saw a bunch of rebloggings of depressed girls, cutting, suicide, etc. It’s depressing man.</p>
<p>Really? The tumblr I frequent has people discussing their fandoms and social justice blogs.</p>
<p>There are fandom people like me. That’s how I found out some of my friends were doing self harm and they talked about it on tumblr. I seriously believe for some of them, tumblr was where they learned self harm. It’s scary. because it’s not just one or two. I don’t know how to help them. one of my friends is just not happy with where he is and he cut himself. I think he knows it doesn’t help but he learned that from Tumblr that some people did that, so he tried and kind of get addicted to self harm.</p>
<p>Some people on tumblr are like iluvbooks94 said, “discussing their fandoms and social justice” and others are depressed and suicidal, but that’s the way it is with a lot of sites though, Facebook, Twitter, etc. It’s not new at all.</p>
<p>Anyway, you should try to talk to your friends OP. If they won’t talk, then refer them to the guidance counselor. They might hate you for it, but you could possibly save their lives. I know when my mom started taking me to my therapist, I was furious with her for a while, but eventually it helped me and I for the most part enjoy life now.</p>
<p>I think it depends on the person. I see that stuff occasionally on tumblr, but for me tumblr is nothing focused on depression and the likes. I also have seen tumblr be a very positive thing for people that needed an outlet for their feelings (regardless of what they were).</p>
<p>rykun, my friends are not my school friends. they are my summer friends in a camp. that makes it difficult to contact anyone. In fact, it is going on, right at this moment. their self hatred thoughts get reinforced by their tumblr friends who have similar thoughts. I bet their teachers don’t know and their parents don’t know. I don’t know how to help.</p>
<p>You can message people on Tumblr. Message them with your cell number and let them know you want to talk. Reach out, it’s that simple.</p>
<p>YES! My normally happy friend, who never seemed dissatisfied with herself, other than that she actually gains weight when she eats (though she’s not fat) and that some other girl who’s actually not as good of a singer as her usually does better in competitions, posted a link to her tumblr, but it was a link to the wrong account (meaning not her fakey account), and I clicked on it and it was full of stuff about how she was depressed and no one would ever love her and what not!</p>
<p>The fact that there are many types of blogs on tumblr make it good and bad. I personally refuse to follow any of that depressing crap or cliche hipster blogs…</p>
<p>I have been saying this for ages, and though I know a lot of people have serious mental health problems and individual circumstances on tumblr that i know truly have troubles and need help, it seems many on tumblr are making up their problems, feeding off one another, and thinking its cool to be all deep and hipster, overecaggerating, and hate life and “pro-anorexic/cutting.” it’s horrible, i havd friends like that, and annoys me to no end.</p>
<p>Honestly, it really just depends on the people you follow. My blog has a ton of pictures on it, social justice stuff, and personal posts. No, I’m not depressed, nor do I have any psychological problems, but I do enjoy going on Tumblr. Of course, everyone has their moods, but it really just depends on the people you follow. I never scroll down my dash and see self harm or anything about that because I don’t follow people with those tendencies or those illnesses because I don’t want to see that. Sure, it’s taken me a while (Tumblin’ for about three years now), but it’s also a hobby. Besides my personal Tumblr, I have a college admissions blog and a seperate social justice blog. I follow people with blogs that are like mine.</p>
<p>I used to have a tumblr and honestly, SO many people have serious problems out there that are posting but would really be much better off seeing a real medical professional. Everyone, especially in a certain fandom that I like has issues with sexual assault, rape, abusive parents, eating disorders, just terrible illnesses in general, low self confidence etc etc. This one girl a) got offended when someone criticized her fanfic so then she went around trolling people and writing nasty comments, b) when people caught on to her- said she had brain cancer O<em>O O</em>O O<em>O and that she was concerned about her daughter who she alleges was the product of a rape O</em>O O_O and c) when people called BS on her, starting cutting herself.</p>
<p>I mean. just. why. I don’t know if what she says is true or not, by either way she needs REAL help, not random strangers consoling her. </p>
<p>Honestly, I agree with those who say tumblr is a bad thing. While there is lots of creativity there, people spend more time on that site than they do conversing, eating or even sleeping! In fandoms especially, there’s a social hierarchy and people try way too hard to get noticed or be popular. I’m glad you like the internet, but please- get out in the real world and live a little. Read books, talk to people, just do something! It’s basically real life, except you don’t even really know people. People even say that they’ll commit suicide on tumblr just so that they get attention. It’s utterly insane. </p>
<p>I have no problem with the idea of it- run a blog with lots of pictures, reblog artwork and make your own posts. All fine and dandy. It’s just that the status quo right now is plain unhealthy. </p>
<p>I sometimes used to post about my own issues and things and it made me feel better, yes, but it didn’t actually solve anything. We need to be proactive and not hide. Like obviously, somethings are horrible and it’s good to share and get sympathy and advice, but please just don’t stay on that website and keep talking about how much pain your in and NOT DO ANYTHING.</p>
<p>Sorry for the rant guys! This has been bugging me for a while now.</p>
<p>tl;dr- I just want to conclude that I think it’s unhealthy for people to spend that much time on the computer (24 hours + in some cases) and that while there’s nothing wrong with openly expressing positive feelings or asking for help, please- go see a professional if you’re in that kind of pain.</p>
<p>so tumblr is a place for people with moods. oh and for social justice junk and fandoms. reading this thread i feel like I kind of got the hang of what it’s about now.</p>
<p>and that was a good rant btw.</p>