<p>Hey I'm an older poster who used CC last year for help on my college admissions, so i got another question somebody could help me with. I have an interview (audition) with Kaplan to tutor, and I'd really like to land this bad boy for over the summer.</p>
<p>Is this a good job? Some people have told me it is awful, not just bad, but awful. I think it would be really interesting and fun way to make some cash on the side. </p>
<p>Also, what do they look for when they judge auditions? Any tips on delivery and how to use the props (whiteboard)? Thanks!</p>
<p>I am a Kaplan Teacher and Tutor and did my audition about five years ago in Long Island. I've also evaluated auditions for them.</p>
<p>In short, they are looking for your presentation skills and your ability to communicate. Keep the presentation up beat and simple. For my audition I did how to Make a Grilled Cheese Sandwich. The person who referred me did his audition on "How to Boil Water." I have also seen successful auditions on such diverse topics as "Palm Readings" and "How to Fix Common Computer Problems." What you do is not as important as how you present it. However, stay away from academic topics.</p>
<p>I absolutely love working for Kaplan but I absolutely don't suggest it as a summer job. Between going through the training, and preparing the materials, it is simply too much work to have the job just for the summer. However, since there are Kaplan Centers all over the country, mostly by colleges, it is a nice job to have during college. It sure beats work study. </p>
<p>I held the job for five years now, two while I was in college at NYU, and three after I moved back to Long Island. I have referred at about half a dozen people who also became Kaplan teachers. I also teach and tutor also for the GRE and the GMAT and am also training to become a teacher trainer.</p>
<p>Feel free to ask me any questions off the forums through my e-mail address (you can find it in my profile.)</p>