Two questions: HS GPA calculation and campus tours w/ building access

Hi, I’ve been trying to figure out how Princeton calculates high school UW GPA. I only found how they recommend calculating one’s GPA at Princeton when applying to grad schools.

Specifically, for one’s HS transcript and assuming an UW 4.0 scale, do they calculate using A+, A, A- = 4.0? Or is it A+, A = 4.0 and A- = 3.7?

Second question: are there tours that allow access to the insides of any of the academic buildings? How about academic buildings that allow access to the public outside of tours?

Do you mean how does Princeton calculate GPAs for reporting purposes, or for admissions purposes? If the latter, it is likely far more complicated than any simple formula as they are likely going to be evaluating grades/transcripts using the information available in school reports, counselor recommendations, and AO experience, all while coming to some more comprehensive academic rating, and likely these days with the help of customizable software.


In terms of GPA calculation, the following response applies to most colleges: file it under “it is what it is.” How a college recalculates, or if they do, varies by college. And few are transparent about it.