Two Topics in One (Pretending to be African-American; leadership skills)

<p>I was in 4th grade. Did I NOT say that anything that went against what I was ALREADY taught was something I questioned? Reflect on what that means.</p>

<p>But even to this day, I go to the Bible for everything. I don’t need to look for “scientific proof” in my Bible. That’s not what I was saying. I questioned things like the Moon revolving and just everything like that. But I mean, my parents talked to me about how all that works when I asked. I hate when people skim read and don’t get the necessary details or even use context clues.</p>

<p>@bella OMG your school basically has CSI as a class. Are you SERIOUS?! That is so cool. I think I’d like science a lot more if we did things like that. I love the ID channel and murder shows; it’s so interesting to solve puzzles.</p>


<p>look, asking me whether or not im kidding is not gonna persuade me to “give my particular point a rest” lol, i still do truly believe in what i said but w/e…it doesn’t seem like you’re gonna believe me regardless of what i say or what information i offer so how about we just agree to disagree no?</p>

<p>“Maybe you should consider giving this particular point a rest and focus on how AA can help you.”</p>

<p>like i said before, i KNOW AA is inevitably gonna help me when applying to college (so relax and stop trying to shove that down my throat) there’s no getting around that. but i’d rather do better things with my time like you know, actually continue to work hard in school, stuff like that, as opposed to sitting around and figuring out ways in which i can use it to my advantage. you said a while back that a student wants to use AA but doesn’t want people to know that it may have helped them. for me personally its not a matter of people knowing whether it helped me, of course they already know its gonna help me! however i get upset when people feel its the ONLY thing that might help me. it makes all the effort you put into school seem practically worthless, which isn’t fair. </p>


<p>it’s funny that you say our class is like CSI, because that’s the exact way she described the class to us on the first day of school. the only forensics-related show on tv that i actually watch is Law and Order SVU lol. when we had to act out our crimes this past friday, my group was so bad lol we couldn’t stop laughing during it. but the best group so far actually did a drunk driving scene in the supermarket parking lot next to our school. the crime was already committed and the rest of the class basically had to figure out what happened, so one kid sat in the driving seat of the car leaning on the steering wheel with a wine bottle in his hand lmao and sunglasses over his eyes, while the other kid who played the victim laid down under the front of the car and pretended to be dead lol, and it actually looked pretty authentic…</p>

<p>i didn’t speed read. and you just said you go to the bible for everything. i’m not trying to sound like a dick, but what kind of things do you look to the bible for? specific examples would be appreciated.</p>

<p>^ Lol you can’t use both those words in the same sentence haha. Advice for me and friends, understanding about certain things, etc.</p>

<p>Not sure if people are still replying here, but I couldn’t pass this opportunity up. I know EXACTLY how you feel BeautifulNerd219… I go to a private IB school in Munich, Germany and I am also the only black girl (not to mention black person) in my grade. Whenever I voice my legitimate concerns about college admissions (my first choice is Columbia and a friend of mine who is very likely going to be our class’ valedictorian is applying too… very annoying because her first choice is Oxford but I digress) says, “Oh don’t worry, you’re black, you’ll get in for sure!” It’s so belittling because I feel as if they’re overlooking all the hard work I’ve done and basing all of my possible future sucess on something I can’t even control, my race. GAH!</p>

<p>Coolbeans, be confident that anyone with that misinformed opinion doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about. Apply to anywhere and everywhere where you believe you’ll be happy. Enjoy the admissions offers of acceptance, quickly forget the rejections, and go forward towards a what will likely be a very fulfilling 4 years of your young life.</p>

<p>Thanks LakeWashington! I know that the people who say those things are sorely misinformed, it’s just difficult to combat when you’re the only black person around. I know I’ll end up attending where I supposed to attend, it’s just the process of getting there that’s getting me down.</p>

<p>i’m sure lots of african americans work REALLY hard in school. they deserve where they get to go and being african american isn’t everything. then again it definitely does help. i think it doesn’t matter what others say because in the end it’s where you get in that matters. let them be jealous. bask in it. then enjoy your time in college where no one will say a word about it as long as you maintain your academics.</p>

<p>^^^ You’re right. Lol I bask every frickin day in my own special way…through being humble. . I know they’re getting kind of “PO’d” with me b/c I’m that jerk that doesn’t bask; I undermine my own efforts and achievements. And I’m just a laid back person. There’s a thousand great students so why should I be the one that gloats? </p>

<p>@coolbeans- yoooo Columbia’s my first choice too! It would be soooo cool if we both went. I’d really like that, to meet somebody from Germany…wait no, I know somebody that’s German and someone that was born there…but you know what I mean. That’s hella cool.</p>

<p>HAH! I know right? That’d be awesome. Then we could tell everyone our amazing/nerdy friendship story of meeting on a college forum. It’s so hollywoood :D</p>

<p>I’m really glad you made this post btw. I feel really isolated sometimes being the only black girl around. You have to answer all of those awkward questions like, “Why does your hair do that?” and, “Can you tan?” I’m not sure if you go through that exactly, but it’s nice to know someone else is experiencing all of the AA factor crap, even if they are on a another continent.</p>

<p>Hopefully I’ll see you next August!</p>

<p>^^^ Lol that would be SO cool. I really hope we both get in. I don’t even care about the “competition” anymore, it’s all about doing your best. I really do wanna go though :slight_smile: and race will not be what gets us in</p>