<p>I think it would be helpful if there were some sort of groupings for various colleges with similar architecture. It would nice if we could get a list going, or if someone could post a link.
The architecture and "feel" of the campus is an important deciding factor to me.
So for instance, what top colleges (Ivies, top CC, etc.) would be considered Gothic** in architecture? and then how about... well actually I don't really know the names of the prevalent types of college architecture, but please enlighten me (and anyone else who is wondering)!</p>
<p>For instance, Gothic:
Duke (well half the campus)
<p>**I realize there are lots of posts on Gothic architecture! I'm more so wanting a comprehensive list for all the architectures!</p>
<p>Collegiate Gothic is a common style. It alludes to the architectural style of Oxford and Cambridge and the roots of American higher education in medieval Europe. Keelota cites some good examples.</p>
<p>Another fairly common style is red brick Georgian. Harvard, Johns Hopkins and the University of Virginia are good examples. This is a style associated with the American colonies during the reign of four Kings all named “George”. This style often incorporates Greek elements (such as domed roofs and columns), suggesting the classical roots of American democracy.</p>
<p>Neo-classical styles are represented at Columbia University buildings such as Low Library, which features design elements of Rome’s Pantheon.</p>
<p>Occasionally, in buildings erected in the late 19th and early 20th century, you’ll see Tudor Revival structures. I suppose this style was influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement, which asserted rustic elements and the value of hand craftsmanship against the impersonal encroachments of the late industrial revolution. Examples: Haverford College; Colorado College (Bemis Hall). </p>
<p>Another late 19th and early 20th century collegiate style was Romanesque Revival. Examples: Royce Hall at UCLA; many buildings at USC.</p>
<p>The 1960s and 70s left an unfortunate architectural legacy on many college campuses. Some uses of concrete managed to be a little more artful than others. Example: Chicago’s Regenstein Library in the so-called “Brutalist” style, which is the absolute antithesis of the above anti-industrial, revival styles.</p>
<p>Interesting site about college architecture:</p>
<p>[The</a> Council of Independent Colleges: Historic Campus Architecture Project](<a href=“http://hcap.artstor.org/cgi-bin/library?a=p&p=background]The”>http://hcap.artstor.org/cgi-bin/library?a=p&p=background)</p>
<p>In the collegiate gothic style Boston College must be mentioned. It has some very fine examples of it and was an early proponent of the style.</p>
<p>Its signature building, Gasson Hall, with its gothic bell and clock tower is the example followed by Yale, Duke and Princeton in their tower buildings.</p>
<p>Dartmouth is almost completely georgian in style.</p>
<p>Syracuse has a number of neo-classical buildings like Hendricks Chapel (patterned after the Pantheon), the old library and The Maxwell School. It also has some buildings in the Italian Renaissance style, as well as one or two in the Romanesque design.</p>
<p>And of course there is that lovely category of “Hodgepodge”
<p>And I’d add Brown to the list of Georgian campuses. Lots of red brick going on there.</p>
<p>^ I’d put Brown in the hodgepodge category. While it does have a number of Georgian buildings (particularly dormitories)–it has buildings in almost every style imaginable. Unfortunately, many of the buildings built in the 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s are downright awful. The sciences library and the entire athletic complex are in contention for the ugliest buildings ever built. Most of the older buildings, however, are quite beautiful.</p>