Typical GPA for an Accepted CAS Sophomore Transfer

<p>I'm from a top 20 nat'l university and wondering if a 3.80 is in the ballpark for CAS for a sophomore transfer. I have good high school stats and SAT's as well, but I'm trying to get an idea of how good my transfer chances are, since I know that it can often be determined by the number of spaces available, etc. and factors irrelevant to how qualified a student would be.</p>

<p>So assuming I'm your completely standard candidate with a 3.8 from a top 20 uni with good HS stats and SAT's, what would you say my odds are at admission into CAS, assuming I wrote good (but not exceptional) essays and have good (but not exceptional) recommendations? 50%? 70%? 25%?</p>

<p>50% too unpredictable</p>

<p>there is seriously no way to tell…cornell says that their “most competitive” applicants have at LEAST a 3.7.</p>

<p>thanks guys.</p>

<p>any other ideas? i’m going for Chemistry if that matters and have a 3.9 in math/science courses (granted, it was only one semester).</p>