Typo on Application: It's fine, right?

<p>I just sent in my application for Miami, and I proofread it a very large number of times; however, I still missed one thing: In the extracurriculurs section, I missed the "l" on the end of "national" when I typed out "National Science Honor Society". I shouldn't freak out about this, right?</p>

<p>I’m sure the Miami admissions staff is familiar with typos. This won’t play a part in your admission decision.</p>

<p>Darn, I was looking forward to meeting you. Guess you’ll just have to apply as a transfer.</p>

<p>Jk, you’ll be fine. Don’t worry. Out of curiosity, did you decide on EA or ED? I meant to recommend that you stick with EA but never got around to it. Lots of tests recently.</p>

<p>Go directly into the kitchen - whip up a big bowl of your favorite comfort food and relax for at least a few days - then start looking for outside scholarships!!!
Seriously, congrats on making the decisions you’ve made, earning the grades you have and choosing the best school for marine sciences - I AM biased :wink:
Best to you MB444 - maybe we’ll meet sometime on campus - I’ve got 3 years to go plus grad school (probably at Rosenstiel).

<p>I decided on EA. It’s too much of a risk to apply ED and be committed to go even if I can’t afford it. Thanks for the reassurance!</p>

<p>Marine bio, it’s fine. Really. I hate the idea that your experiencing angst over this. It’s very common. Search CC for “clam farts” and read the thread. You will feel better! I know we did when we noticed a typo after the fact on one of my daughters apps. Don’t forget about the comfort food and the relaxing!</p>

<p>Zinc: thank you so much for all your help over the past couple years! I can’t wait to be a 'Cane :)</p>

<p>Malami: thanks! I appreciate it. It’s good to know that I’m not hurting myself with that :)</p>

<p>You are so going to be a Cane! I can’t wait for your excited post. They should let you in just on passion alone!!!</p>

<p>Make sure you join the Scuba club right away and the aquarium club has great activities and parties (my daughter is the treasurer, maybe you will meet her!).</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>MB444: curious - what did you decide to do about your over-the-500-word-limit essay?</p>

<p>My English teacher helped me cut it down to 524 words, which is a LOT better than 650, haha. I can send it to you in a private message if you want.</p>

<p>I’d like to read it. I came across this article yesterday that talks about the “limit”.
<a href=“http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/29/education/college-application-essay-as-haiku-for-some-500-words-isnt-enough.html[/url]”>http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/29/education/college-application-essay-as-haiku-for-some-500-words-isnt-enough.html&lt;/a&gt;