UA’s Creative Campus Featured in Thomas Friedman’s New Book

<p>[University</a> of Alabama News UA?s Creative Campus Featured in Thomas Friedman?s New Book](<a href=“’s-creative-campus-featured-in-thomas-friedman’s-new-book/]University”>’s-creative-campus-featured-in-thomas-friedman’s-new-book/)</p>

<p>*UA’s Creative Campus Featured in Thomas Friedman’s New Book</p>

<p>September 7, 2011 - Filed under: Highlights, Outreach, Students | Tagged: Creative Campus</p>

<p>TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Creative Campus at The University of Alabama is featured in a new book by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman and co-author Michael Mandelbaum.</p>

<p>The book, titled “That Used To Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back” and published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, is available in bookstores beginning this week.</p>

<p>The authors laud UA’s Creative Campus for its efforts “to nurture creativity among students by getting them to think about how to promote the arts in their community, on and off campus.” Creative Campus student interns develop ideas that promote innovative approaches to arts and culture among students and the Tuscaloosa community.</p>

<p>“We are thrilled that UA, Creative Campus and our interns have been spotlighted in this book by two nationally- known authors who tout the innovative learning opportunities we are providing,” said Dr. Hank Lazer, executive director of Creative Campus and associate provost for academic affairs at UA.</p>

<p>Lazer met Friedman, the recipient of three Pulitzer Prizes and the author of five best-selling books, when Friedman spoke on the UA campus in February. Creative Campus struck a chord with Friedman who contacted Lazer for more details.*</p>


<p>And the hits just keep on coming. I had the pleasure of meeting Hank Lazer, when he came to Hawaii as part of last Spring’s recruiting team. He’s a world-class intellect/scholar, educated at Stanford and UVA, and as nice and down to earth as you can imagine. And . . . he’s a native Californian who loves Alabama.</p>

<p>Slightly off topic (or perhaps not), my son’s high school has finally caught a bit of the Bama bug and is sending three of their college counselors to UA for a two day visit in a couple of weeks. I’ve seen the itinerary that Rick Funk has created for them and they’re about to have their socks knocked off.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>